Sunday, June 26, 2022

Happy Birthday to Me

Things went from bad to worse, my friends.  Not related to the bariatric surgery (we think) I experienced an ulcer that ruptured and I almost died on my bathroom floor.  Sounds dramatic, but that 's what actually happened.  My neighbor/friend found me there and called 911.  Always pays to have a neighbor who has access to your home.  I was taken into surgery and the repair was made, and the bariatric surgery reversed. I didn't know you could do that, but apparently you can, and the surgeon who first did it was the one who reversed it.  He said he was more concerned with saving my life, and I concur.

I was a week in the hospital, and now I've been in rehab for over a week, and probably another 10 days.  I have to build stamina and strength, which I lost not only after this latest surgery, but after my bariatric surgery.  If I only knew what has been a very very difficult time and I am slowly coming out of it.  I can't quite believe it all happened.  It seemed that goodness and luck were all around me.  Until.  I am determined to get well, and then make the most of what my life still has to offer.

Here's where I make my request for you to donate blood, if you can.  Transfusions saved my life here.  I've donated over the years, but never needed a donation.  Here was the payoff.  

Here in rehab, my cloudy sleep filled days have begun to evolve, with physical and occupational therapy.  They get me out of bed and I'm very cranky at having to do anything.  But then I do it, and it's done, and I feel some accomplishment.  Each day is different.  My abdominal incision doesn't really hurt, but the drain tube sticking out from my stomach does.  I get it out in two weeks.  Yesterday was spent feeling terribly nauseous, and in the night I was sick and had to call the aid to remove all the wet sheets and bedclothes.  Sorry if too much information.  Today I got myself up early, dressed, and had a good breakfast (they are not all good).  I've been in my recliner watching the new season of Peaky Blinders, as nasty and violent as ever.  Some things never change.

I tire easily, of course, and will have some additional help at home when I get there.  Funny thing, all this happened as I was turning 65 and getting my Medicare.  Medicare is covering all my costs, and will cover some home health costs as well. What brilliant timing.  Happy Birthday to me!

A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...