Sunday, September 25, 2022

Turning the Corner

Whoeee, boys and girls, I do believe I've turned a corner.  About 10 days ago I had a really really good day full of energy and a zest for living.  I thought, "I'm feeling like the old me again!"  Then it happened the next day, and the next.  I had a few days in there where energy disappeared again, but it came back.  

The week was busy with getting my new flooring installed in the living room.  Wednesday the movers came to move the furniture into the garage.  Thursday the carpet was removed and new flooring put in.  Friday the movers came back and did the job in reverse.  Saturday another mover showed up to deliver things from my parents' house, including a grandfather clock.  I didn't plan it that way, I just knew I wanted to get the flooring in before the clock arrived.  The universe provided the impeccable timing.  I'm extremely happy with the flooring, as that poor rug just kept greeting me with new stains from gawd knows where.  Some were created by Lucy, but others were a complete mystery.  My only complaint about the job was the tile dust that spread throughout the house when the tile was being cut into and removed.  No sheeting was put up between the living room and the kitchen/eating area and so everything was covered with fine, almost volcanic, dust.

Friday night I went to see a favorite comedian of mine, Marc Maron.  I love his east coast, sometimes dark, very honest, Jewishness and the lens he sees the world with.  He brought his A game and I laughed so much I almost lost my breath.  I had a dynamite seat, stage left, about 5 rows back.  I would love to meet him and become friends.  I don't imagine that will ever happen, but I'd love it if it did.

The next day I packed up the car and my little Lucy, and headed down to Boulder to have dinner and an overnight with friends.  It was a great evening, and B pulled out all the stops on his dinner menu.  Much wine was consumed for a change, and then we watched the new Elvis biopic on HBOmax.  Well done movie and the acting was superb.  Never a fan of Elvis, but this movie was compelling and made me care.

I went to brunch with my friends this morning at a little inn in the mountains.  I drive by it when I come to Boulder, and have always wondered what it was like.  Now I know.  Built in the late 1800s when the area had a gold rush, it has been many things, and now finally, a restaurant and event center.

I arrived home around 3:00 this afternoon, and after unloading the car, took a nap and slept deeply.  I was so tired I didn't want to get up to have some dinner.  But, as many diabetics know, it's important to eat on schedule to maintain blood sugars, so I forced myself up and had mushroom risotto with some green beans.  Yum.

I'm hitting the sack at 9:00 pm and hope to wake up tomorrow with some energy.  I have a lot of boxes to unpack.  I'll have to figure out where I have room for things (or not).  It's a little odd to see my parents clock in my living room.  They got it in 1975, and it's been a feature in their living room ever since.  I'm glad to have it as it brings back good memories.

So, this return of energy?  I know it was a process, but when it really kicked into high gear, if felt as if a switch had been flipped.  I looked at the world anew.  I still am looking at everything with fresh eyes.  It's the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Oh What a Night

No, not like that Night by the Dells.  I only wish. No, my night was full of tossing and turning, fitful non-sleep interrupted by one of my...