Friday, July 19, 2013


It's 23 days until my cruise to Alaska.  I need a pill to calm me down.  My first ever cruise, not on Carnival thankyouverymuchdoilookstupid.  Before then, I will be attending my grandson's second birthday party.  Seems like 3 months ago I watched him emerge from my daughter's body after a mighty 12 hours of labor at home.

Grateful, yes.  Thankful, yes.  Also thankful for my buddies with whom I am spending a couple of nights in the fragrant forest of Grass Valley.  Check out their monster tomato plants. 

Tonight we eat green beans picked from their garden just moments before they are cooked.  Does it get any better than this?

This week I took a lovely walk through the UC Davis arboretum with my friend J.

I welcomed dad home after a few days away in Portland, happy to report that all was smooth sailing while he was gone.  I didn't get sick; mom didn't fall; I managed to make scrumptious meals that we both enjoyed.  And, best of all, no FOX "news" on the telly for days.  Pure bliss.

A very good week, and now I celebrate Friday with my wonderful friends who are really better than family.  They are a family of my own choosing.  Not by accident of birth.

Happy Friday to you all!  Stay cool, don't overexert in this heat, and HYDRATE dammit.


  1. Wonderful! Say hi to the bums!

    1. will do! this is my grand home away from home.

  2. I envy you.

    (Thanks for the hook-up on your Blog Roll over yonder!)

  3. for what do you envy me for? not getting sick? the cruise? probably the cruise. i envy myself for that.


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...