Thursday, September 5, 2013

2014 Calendar

Mixbook - Create Beautiful Photo Books and Scrapbooks! | Start your own Photo Books | Create custom Christmas Cards
I've had another inquiry about my photo calendar.  Here it is if you want to take a look.  They sell for $25 and I did promise a video of me doing a happy dance if I got an order.  Well, I have, and now I owe y'all a video.


  1. how can we order one? it's great.

    1. let me know if you want it. I'll message my address on FB so you can send a check. Thank you!

  2. That's a lot more money than i generally pay for a calendar but I will buy it also when I can find where to order it. I will do it because I like your photos and frankly because you have been supportive of my books. That has meant a lot to me, Tara, as not a lot have been from those I knew before I began putting them out. It makes the rare few, who commented on them and bought them, to stand out, and and made me think how we should be supporting each other's creative work. Hence I want your beautiful calendar

    1. I know, Rain, it's more than I would normally pay for a calendar as well, but I'm truly not making any money on it, what with the free shipping. And I appreciate artists supporting each other. I wish I could find a lower cost production place, but so far, nope.

  3. I'd pay 30 bucks for one of your calendars and for no reason other than I love it. No problemo!

    1. Thanks Melody! I have always appreciate your purchases -- you were one of the early ones. If you want one you know how to find me. :-)

  4. The check is on the way and I am excited about getting my first calendar for 2014. I showed the images to my husband and he loved them-- luckily since I'd already decided ;) It's a work of art; so worth the extra

    1. Thank you Rain. I'm glad you both enjoy the images. As I said, they are some of my very favorites.


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...