Friday, September 27, 2013


A friend shared Mary's song "Old Friends" on Facebook the other day, with a great video of animal friends, which got me going back to Mary's music. Beautiful stuff. I was lucky enough to see her frequently in concert when I lived in Monterey, before transferring to UCSC. Years later, I found out she was a DJ at the college radio station. Later, still, I found myself sitting next to her in a singer/songwriter workshop taught by none other that my heroine, Ronnie Gilbert. I haven't listened to Mary's music in decades, and doing so the other night brought a flood of emotions. Melancholy, wistfulness, feelings of a young woman just beginning her adult life. Fully engaged in the local music scene, playing gigs with my pals. A heady time, really. Amazing how music can do this to me. Ronnie Gilbert said, after hearing Paul Robeson sing when she was 10 years old, “Songs are dangerous, songs are subversive and can change your life." That workshop with Ronnie was a high point in my life, and the fact that Mary was there made it all the more special. It is moments like these that I think back on with abundant gratitude.

So many moments in my life when I have been Thankful, Grateful and Inspired.  Which is why I started this TGIF post in the first place.  I figure it is a good way to end any week.  No need to hit the bar (as is custom for many) and drink in celebration of a week's end.  I prefer to reflect on what has made me feel naturally good over the course of the week.  This is my way of celebrating!  

Here's wishing you a lovely weekend, filled with memorable moments. It might be cuddling up with a bowl of soup -- or inspiration from some old music you haven't heard in a long while.  Or, perhaps, the following video from 1951!


  1. Young Westley came on our iPod, and it sent us on a Mary McCaslin journey. It was so touching to hear her voice again, and remember.


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...