Thursday, November 7, 2013

When the weather turns

Well, I've managed to avoid research on my report on the photographer Walker Evans.  I'll get to the meantime I'm in cooking mode.  Playing jazz on the ipod, making tomato sauce from fresh, homegrown tomatoes and garlic; putting together the innards for a Shepard's Pie to take with me when I visit my daughter.  Last night I made a tomato tarte that a friend and I enjoyed.  Oh, and for an appetizer, I made the Curry and Sriracha Roasted Garbanzo beans from the Simple Veganista.  Oh, they were good.  Spicy.  But not too.  What a healthy snack!  Legumes are especially great for those of us who live with diabetes; they digest slowly and evenly so no blood sugar spikes.  And nutritious.  Much better than a bag of potato chips (empty calories).

It's one of my favorite ways to relax, cooking.  When I'm not under pressure.  Just hanging, listening to music, waiting for the daily mail, doing homework (yeah, right).  When the weather turns chilly, it's the best time to cook up a storm.  I've got meals for days now. 

Hearth and Home.  Speaking of which, I went to a fundraising breakfast today for an organizing called Mutual Housing.  And I made a small monthly donation.  This group has been around for 25 years now, a friend of mine is the CEO, and her girlfriend (also my friend) invited me to join her at her table.  I am so impressed with the work these folks have been doing -- we heard the stories of several current and former residents of Mutual Housing projects, which are so much more than "projects."  People are provided with a safe, clean, well-maintained, affordable place to live and thrive.  Their children grow up in a community that emphasizes healthy living, community participation and education.  Many of the residents go on to lives with purpose and dignity.  I can't tell you how this presentation warmed my heart.  Wish there housing developments like this all over the world!  Check it.

1 comment:

  1. That food looks fantastic! So yummy. We're going to try the Curry and Sriracha Roasted Garbanzo beans.


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...