Sunday, December 1, 2013


Eight years ago this month I began blogging on Out of the Lotus.  It's the longest running 'journal' I've ever created.  I can go back and see what my kids were doing those many years ago, what the wife and I were doing, what my garden was doing in the springtime, and - oh yes - my various medical mishaps.

I've had but a few loyal readers over the years, and sometimes I wish more people left comments and/or read the blog.  But what the hell.  I'm doing for myself.  It's turned out to be quite the chronicle of the years.

This December brings my usual disgust with material consumption, but don't get me wrong, I do love some of the Christmas traditions.  I set up my tiny tree in my tiny apartment last night and had a ball.  I'll be waking up on Christmas morning with my grandson for the second year, and that is the biggest gift of all.

What a difference a year makes.  Last year at this time I was in a hellish state.  This year, life is pretty damned good and, more importantly, I really know that.  I worked diligently to get myself back on track, and the work has paid off.  I've had an enormous amount of help and support along the way.  I also had the good luck to have excellent health insurance, a true blessing that should be the norm in this country, but sadly is not.  (Don't get me started.)

I always remember that for some, the holidays are a horrid affair.  I keep them in mind, and do what I can to alleviate their troubles.  It's a terrible time of year to feel alone -- everyone around you seems to be oh, so jolly

My goals for December are avoid live t.v. as much as possible so as to miss the commercial madness of the season; eat well and get my exercise and fresh air; reach out to my friends and family; and read some good books.  Justice Mayor's book is first on my list.  Oh, yes, and to catch up on some paperwork and filing.  Oh, and take a lot of photos and enjoy the last month of my fantastically interesting photo class.  I've already signed up for next semester's photo offering.

Keeping it simple.  Feeling grateful.  Hoping the same for you, dear reader.


  1. Geez. All I'm gonna do is work. Foto of the tree, plz.

  2. The holiday season is my least favorite time of the year. The consumerism frenzy is a bit much to take. So, I like your goals for December. I will try to do the same. I love remembering that December 21 may be the first day of winter, but it is also the day the sun begins its glorious return. Now that's worth celebrating.

  3. Yes. Keeping it simple. This can be a peaceful time of year. A good time of year to start a blog. Congratulations on eight years of blogging. My blog began in early December seven years ago.

  4. Yay, you! If you don't have a copy of Justice Sonia's book, I can send it. Think you will love it.

    We're keeping it simple. There's a wedding reception; there's a fundraiser for do-gooders; and a little this and that. I'll be working a lot, but have a good reason to pour it on this month.


  5. How did I lose you? And now here you are. I'm so glad to reconnect. Your blog is beautiful.


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...