Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Staying Balanced

My guy and I are preparing his house for sale. Yes. Biggggg News (more later). The Yoga cd is one I claimed for myself while packing many to be donated to the local public radio station. The music is just what I need now to ground myself and keep my head from spinning.

People may say we're crazy, selling a perfectly delightful home, but we plan on marrying and want to have a house that is ours together, in a smaller town close to where we are now. It's exciting, and it's exhausting. But mostly it is exciting.

Me, the one who swore she'd never marry again. Yes, me. Never say "never." It's bound to propel you in the direction you say you don't want to go. But I do want to go. This man is a gift from heaven, I tell you. After 25 years of being with women partners (and a wife), it was a surprise to find myself so attracted to this fellow. But there you go. Never say "never." Life offers up such surprises and new directions. Just when you take your eye off the game, a foul ball zips past your head. Gawd. A baseball metaphor.

Speaking of which, we are going to be at a nationally televised River Cats game on Thursday (CBS at 7:05 Pacific). They're playing Las Vegas (hear me, Linda Lou?) and we'll be right behind the RC dugout. Catch us if you can!

Nothing like baseball to keep me balanced. Oh, that and BBQ before the game.


  1. Wow! That is sweet news. Love!

  2. Love love love. Such wonderful news!

  3. Wow, i had to look twice to see if I was on the right blog. ;) Congratulations and I have always thought we fall in love with souls not genders and we don't have to be locked into defining ourselves or limiting our love :)

  4. It's your turn! Enjoy, Tara.

  5. Tara, it sounds like when you took your eye off the game, an out of the park HOME RUN came flying your way, and you looked up just in time to catch it! You are an inspiration, my dear.


  6. Much happiness and joy to you both!


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