Friday, August 22, 2014


Life at nuestra casa is just fine. We've got to find a catchy name for the place, however.  Lucy Hollow?  Boo Acres?  Tikwa Gardens?  All three dogs are enjoying the expanse of park behind our house and learning not to bark when the giant mower cuts the grass.  School starts next week, and we'll see how they react to laughing, screaming elementary school children.  We have a neighbor girl who is in love with Lucy and wants to dog-sit her in the worst way.  She'll be starting kindergarten at the school over our back gate.

Driving to the grocery store the other day, we were stopped in traffic as several wild turkeys ran across a busy road.  We've been advised about these roving bands of birds.  A hazard to motorists and cyclists alike.

We've made several car trips north, up highway 113, as it is a less crowded way into Sacramento than the main highway 80.  113 runs right by the house, and once you are on it you are in farm land.  Horse country.  Cattle.  Crops.  A nice ride and a world away from the busy city of Sacramento.

It is so very quiet here.  And to once again have an outdoor space where I can spend time lolling about is pure luxury.  Here I am reading -- I've already secured my card to the local library.

To live with a photographer, well, just be prepared to see yourself a lot.  He does take wonderful photos, especially, but not limited to, people.  He charms them, you see.  Puts them at ease, and snaps away.  It's a special talent, and one that I don't have, the taking of portraits.  He's even taken good portraits of my dad and mom.  Unbelievable.  I've been trying for years with little luck.

A friend posted on FB this morning that our fair city's police department has just acquired mine-resistant military vehicle.  WTF?  You may not be familiar, but a few years ago the campus police pepper sprayed peaceful demonstrators who failed to disperse.  That was here, at UC Davis.

Believe me, I know the utter frustration of trying to control crowds of university students.  It's a no-win situation.  Been there.  Done that.  But to pepper spray them directly in their faces?  When they are sitting on the ground?  Pul-eeze.  Campus police are distinct from Davis city police, but still, this is likely to cause quite the uproar in this left-learning burg.  I'll keep you posted.

Here's to your weekend, may it be peaceful, fun, raucous, whatever you want it to be!  (oh, and p.s., can anyone tell how the hell we got to the last days of August so fast?  Is there a tear in the space-time continuum?)


  1. I was wondering that too about August. It has zoomed by and soon we'll be in fall weather. Nice on the photographer to record life ;)

  2. Sounds like the perfect idyllic life there. True tranquility in a speeding-by August.

  3. So glad you are enjoying your new home. As for August? I think we have been shorted for two straight months now. Just didn't get our share of July or August.

  4. What a lovely pose you were in for that photo! Looks like yoga to me (-:

    1. it's as close to yoga as I get these days....sigh....


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...