Friday, September 12, 2014


Happy Friday, all!  We are home from a lovely, and cool, trip to the coast.  Morning headlines announce that triple digit heat wave will continue throughout the weekend.  I am sorely tempted to head back to the land of fog.

We both commented that it was grand to be out and about, hiking around, and not be overcome by the heat.  Blessed, blessed FOG.

I grew up on the California coast, spent most of my adult life there.  I know the flora and fauna, the smells, the weather patterns.  It was heaven to experience them all again.

I'll be returning next week, to be with my grandson, meet up with old friends, and go hiking with a Facebook friend.  Love those real live meetings with cyber pals...I have not been disappointed yet.

One day past our horrific national tragedy, I know I am lucky.  We are lucky.  I recently found out that a friend was actually supposed to be at a breakfast meeting in the towers, but had to take his daughter to her first day of school, and so missed being there.  Missed.  Being. There.  Can you imagine?

Many stories to tell from the trip, but I'll save them for later.  It was quite an experience, seeing places that I haven't seen for thirty years.  I highly recommend getting 'away,' if you can.  Puts a new spin on things.

For now, I wish you a lovely weekend.  Gracias a la vida, mis amigos.


  1. the California coast is indeed gorgeous but the winding roads are harder on me these days than they used to be. Maybe age. Nice to share yours without having to drive them to do see them ;)

  2. Sounds like the perfect antidote to scorching heat! My family has had Stillwater Cove Ranch in Jenner for about 75 years.
    It's quite a spot, and just the thought of it brings back fine memories. Glad you enjoyed nature's air conditioning.

  3. Tara, the friend you mentioned in this piece, when I had a drink with him in Manhattan a few years ago, after two hours of nonstop laughter (I was exhausted!), I asked him if he was ever serious, and he told me that story.

    On another note, I admit to a tinge of envy of your new life!


  4. Yes, the coast. Beautiful in every way. So glad you made this journey and had such a wonderful time.

  5. Good to hear about your trip to the coast. I think I know just where that stretch of road is. If it weren't so far away from here, I'd be on it today. Whenever the weather is too warm for me here in Puget Sound, I remember how I used to drive out to the California coast for the relief of that summer fog. The best of memories.

    "If you went up from Wakwaha on such a morning you'd come out of the fog somewhere on the road, come right through that roof, and turning, look back on a white fog-sea breaking in brilliant silence on the hills. It has done that for a long time. They are old hills, but fog is older."
    (from Always Coming Home, by Ursula K. Le Guin)


Oh What a Night

No, not like that Night by the Dells.  I only wish. No, my night was full of tossing and turning, fitful non-sleep interrupted by one of my...