Tuesday, December 23, 2014


Well, slap me upside mah head -- it's been 9  years today that I began blogging.  Though I've changed my blog a couple of times, the effort has been continual.  Not that it is an effort -- I must enjoy it or I know I would not be continuing for this much time.

And lucky readers, I've shared it all with you.  My retirement from the university, my divorce, the birth of my grandson, the vicissitudes of life.  My photography, my poetry, my silliness, my pain.

Last year I was thinking about all the positive, hard-won changes for me.  Well, if I thought 2013 held great change, I had no idea what 2014 would bring!

I feel like Cinderella, but the clock never struck midnight and I'm still living the dream.


  1. Happy blogiversary! It's been a wild nine years. Looking forward to the next nine and more.

  2. Been with yas all the way and loven it!

  3. How beautiful and happy, happy blogaversary. I sure have loved getting to know you here and look forward to many more years.

  4. I had a fleeting thought tonight, that, like Stephen Colbert, I should wrap it up after 9 years. But then I thought, "naw."

  5. And may 2015 bring even more surprises of the good kind. Keep living the dream good blogger buddy.


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...