Friday, January 2, 2015


It's bitterly cold out there.  For us, any way.  32F this morning.   And with the wind, if 'feels' like 26F.  I've only felt it momentarily while letting the dogs outside.  My husband trekked the icy streets to obtain a new coffee bean grinder since ours went up in a blaze of glory two mornings ago.  Bless him.

Like me, you've probably seen your share of NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS and mostly likely, like me, sick sick sick of them.  There is one cute one, however, an oldie by Woody Guthrie.  I like (or not) that he has to resolve to "send Mary and the children money."  That, of course, makes me want to check in with Mary to see what happened. 

The highlight of the season, as I predicted, was the visit of my grand son and his parents.  He is a body in motion at all times.  His parents have discovered the necessity of television in order to bring him to a full stop.  Here he is snuggling with Lucy, which is a major milestone.  In the past, he has spent his time chasing her and she exhausts herself trying to escape his tiny hands.

Peace.  At last.

So, no resolutions, but I do have to organize myself for the coming months.  We're  traveling to Cuba and to Yosemite in the next few months.  Things to do to prepare.  #1 is get a new passport.  I'm feeling a tad overwhelmed (that happens fairly often and effortlessly) but a useful ballast is to DO things:  I took down the Christmas tree last night.  Packed up the holiday cards.  Inspected the kitchen for ants.  Good news: all gone.  (We had an amazing candied apple sent to us and we, foolishly, left it on the counter.  It was the irresistible siren song to tiny crawling creatures.)

I've also gone through FB and eliminated all the news feeds, in an effort to streamline the information that comes through.  No more "Rock the Slut Vote," "Fat-free Vegan Eating," and the endless political pages I signed up for.  I am keeping Pema Chodron, however, and Anne Lamott.  I'll leave you with a bit of friendly wisdom from Pema:

But loving-kindness ~maitri~ towards ourselves doesn't mean getting rid of anything. Maitri means that we can still be crazy, we can still be angry. We can still be timid or jealous or full of feelings of unworthiness. Meditation practice isn't about trying to throw ourselves away and become something better. It's about befriending who we are already."

On this first Friday of the year, I wish you a peaceful weekend.  May 2015 bring good things to all of us.


  1. Hooray for such a nice visit with the grandbaby and fam! I felt a little bad relying on videos to calm the wild beasts when my kids were little, but probably would not have survived w/o them sometimes. ;)

    Those trips sound wonderful. You should have plenty of time for the passport! It's not that hard to renew, and you won't have to do it again for 10 years.

    Very good sentiment about "befriending who we are already."

  2. Whew, love that quote because I've got a whole lot of crazy, angry, and unworthiness to start the year. Guess I'll just befriend that beast and get on with it.

    It was warmer here in Humboldt county than it was in LA this morning. Wow! I think the arctic blast is finished with us for now. Stay warm there. Enjoy the ice crystals on everything and the sunlight in the bluest of skies.

    1. Robin, you too? There are a few people I'd like to pop in the noggin (metaphorically). xoxo


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...