Friday, April 3, 2015

TGIF (On What is Important)

Happy Friday, all!

My husband and I were honored to be a part of a very special ceremony this morning.  Friends of ours had their adoption ceremony today.  Our friends, Jack and his husband, JT, have been on a 16 month journey to create their family with three dear brothers who desperately needed a forever family.  Today was the final stamp of approval by the Judge (as if it was ever in doubt).  The courtroom was packed with at least 25 friends and family.

The most touching part of the ceremony was when the Judge asked each boy, individually, if they wanted to be adopted today.  Each child responded, "YES!" and was asked to sign a document.  Even the littlest guy was able to scrawl a flourishing signature of sorts.  I was tearing up, mindful of the eyeliner I applied a couple of hours before.  Oh well.

So, while blow hards and bigots across our country are denying rights to my brothers and sisters in Dorothy, here is this wonderfully loving and stable couple who have rescued three children from a life of unspeakable hardship and have fulfilled their own dream to have a family of their own. 

Love, babies.  That's what it's all about.  Love, that's what Jesus preached.  Love, it's what the world needs now.  Love, sweet love.

Have a glorious weekend!


  1. How beautiful. Thanks for sharing this story :)

  2. It means so much to be a member of a loving family. Thank you for this today.

  3. a wonderful post baby, truly from your big heart....

  4. Fantastic! I went to one of these ceremonies a while back when I worked for a legal agency that helped families through fostering/adoption, and it was so awesome. So much good in the world that is almost never reported on -- thank you for doing so yourself, and congrats to your friends!

  5. Warms me all the way to my soul. Great post.

  6. This is truly wonderful, Tara.

  7. Wonderful! We celebrate whenever, wherever love triumphs.


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...