Friday, October 23, 2015


What a week.  Momentous moments momentarily, but first, take a look at our first dinner made from Blue Apron recipes:

Shrimp Perloo.  I've never had this dish before, and with Blue Apron it's easy to do because they send ALL the ingredients (with the exception of the olive oil).  The ingredients are measured out and the recipe is printed on a 81/2 x 11" cardstock, along with photos.  The hardest part (if you can call it that) was dicing the garlic, onion, celery, green pepper, scallions and parsley.  The dish was a success, and made twice as much as we can eat, so we've got leftovers.  I'm going to buy more shrimp and some sausages to add to the leftovers.  And maybe a bit more rice to tone down the hot spice a bit.

All the packaging is fully recyclable, which is a relief because it is heavy on the packaging.  It has to be. They are shipping food that must remain refrigerated!

Now for the momentous:  2 friends made it through surgeries this week with flying colors.  Oddly enough, the one who had brain surgery is more comfortable and more mobile that the one who had sinus surgery.  I visited our shaved friend this morning, made her some coffee and tuna salad and brought her favorite chocolate pudding.  I'm impressed, to say the least, that docs were poking around inside her brain just a few days ago.  She has a wicked incision line, all neatly stapled.  And she is home.  Unbelieveable.

Now for the news that has us over the moon:  my daughter and her husband are expecting another baby next summer.  She called me, and from just her "hello, mom...." I knew and I blurted it out, "You're pregnant!"  I really rained on her surprise parade.   Can I just say that a mama knows?  My grandson is not sure he wants to be a big brother, but he's got time to work on that.

Here's to a grand weekend (not for the folks in western Mexico, sadly) and a news blackout (because I'm sick of those damned Bengazi hearings).  Hope you get to do exactly whatever it is you would like to do!


  1. Congratulations to your daughter, son-in-law and soon-to-be big-brother grandson! Big life changes!
    Blue Apron sounds very interesting. I'm going to google around and see where they are, where they ship from, etc.
    Good to know your friends came through their surgeries.
    We haven't been watching any news (and actually haven't for years!). It helps keep us relatively sane to look away from the tv talking head puppets that masquerade as news.

  2. CONGRATULATIONS all around. So glad your friends are on the mend. I recall the days when brain surgery was inevitably followed by a week of coma. What advances we have seen.

  3. Wow! Another grandbaby!

    I hear you re: blackout. But I admit an addiction to the political drama. Alas.


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