Friday, November 20, 2015


Friends, what a week we've had, yes?  I'm trying to balance staying informed with staying sane.  It's quite a trick.  Back from some heavenly days on the island of Kauai.  We stepped off the plane into the chill that is now central California.  I love autumn: the turning leaves and crisp air and white light.  But Jaysus, who ordered up Thanksgiving for next week?  Seriously.  Time is going at warp speed.

This was an unusal week of doctor visits: dentist for a deep cleaning behind my last molar, dermatogolgist for a little cryotherapy on my dark spots, and my GP for a pain I've had in my right arm for at least 2 months now.  I can't go out in sunlight for a week because of the cryo, can't eat food easily for my injured mouth, and there is no help in sight for arm and shoulder pain that is just getting more intense by the day.

Bright spot: got my flu shot.  Husband got his flu shot.  Small things in the giant picture, I know, but I take the positive wherever and whenever I can.

Some call it resilience.  I call it essential.  In dark days, it's what allows me to move forward with hope.  In Paris, strangers are hugging strangers (Muslims, no less!) in their grief and hope.  It's been a beautiful sight to behold. 

I hope you choose love and compassion this weekend. It feels so good.


  1. It does seem like Thanksgiving is arriving much too soon. I don't understand how we are just a month away from winter solstice. Autumn just zipped right by. It is my favorite season, and now it is truly on its way out. Night falls while we cook dinner. We don't watch the news. We read headlines and even that has worn us out. We choose a much smaller sphere of information during these dark times. Take care there. Sure hope that arm and shoulder pain resolves.

    1. Thanks, doll. xrays don't show any problems (other than slight disc degeneration at C5 & 6 and a slight tilt to the left -- go figure). Doc wants me to go to PT but we don't yet even know what the issue is. Ack!

  2. Glad you are home safe and sound. The French continue to welcome refugees while our own "leaders" want us to refuse entry. And I totally agree with Robin, whatever happened to Autumn?

    Hope the cause of the pain is diagnosed and fixed soon.

  3. love you all, you keep us grounded. steve


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...