Monday, January 18, 2016

Monday Musings

I'm all over the map here, friends.  A lot going on.

We lost our dear dog, Tikwa, to cancer.

A family member has some troubling health issues.

Trump is the GOP front-runner (still).

My stomach has been acting up something fierce.

I tried making amends with someone whose friendship I used to value.  The effort failed, and not from my lack of trying.

So, we are mourning Tikwa.  A dear sweet being who was deeply connected to his humans, known and strangers alike.

I spent some time with my ailing family member.  It was good for the both of us.  Life can be a bitch when your body doesn't work optimally. 

I'm searching recipes that I think will be easily digestible.  My ability to digest meats of all kinds, but particularly fatty cuts, is on the wane.  I was watching this today and he's really sensible on the whole issue of nutritional eating.  No crazy outlandish pseudo science.  His motto?  "Eat food. Not too much.  Mostly plants."

I will, at some point, recognize and truly accept that my one-time friend and I are not supposed to be connected anymore.  For whatever reason.  Let it go.  Let it go.  Let it go.  

People are getting more crazy by the day.  I witnessed an on-line fight in the comments on a FOOD RECIPE.   Hummus.  Go figure.  Jaysus, people. 

So, that's the low down.  I almost didn't blog about it, but then figured 'what the hell.'  Part of the reason I blog is because I like having a record of things and experiences.  And what I realized the other day was that I completely overlooked that, on Dec. 23, 2015, I hit my 10 year anniversary of blogging.  Hmm.

Take a moment today to reflect on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and his legacy to the people of the U.S.  And he did it all without a blog.  Imagine.


  1. So sad and sorry about your beautiful Tikwa. And your stomach issues, lost friendships, and ailing family members. This life, this everyday life has all of this and more. I've been thinking this, Tara, that we have known each other almost twenty years and I'm grateful for that everyday.

    1. Thank you, thank you, Robin. Our friendship sustains me more than you could ever know. Or maybe you do! It certainly is a two-way street with us. Good thing we have lovely husbands who enjoy our company as well! A good match all the way around.

  2. Sorry for your loss of Tikwa and the other losses. This is a dark time of the year. I guess a good time to muse on the other side of life as it can't all be bright.

    1. Thank you, Rain. I know you understand the deep connection between man and beast.

  3. I can certainly empathize with you on several points. Especially sorry that your dog died. Hope your digestive problems get resolved.

    1. Thanks, Carolyn. When you lost your sweet pup, I was devastated as well. It's the downside to loving our animal friends. But we'd never give up the years of joy, would we?

  4. oh btw anyone knows that you need a blog to accomplish anything,

    and with a blog you can do anything!

  5. thank you darling for talking about our tikwa.


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...