Monday, January 25, 2016

Monday Musings

To continue the theme of perplexing life:  I've been weaning myself from so much time on Facebook. But I got on this morning and was immediately hit by three stories of gun tragedy.  A four-year-old boy in Houston found his grandfather's shotgun and accidentally shot himself in the head.  He died days later.  A woman died because she was adjusting her bra holster and accidentally shot herself through the eye.  Did you know there was such a thing as a bra holster?  And last but certainly not least the firefighter who was called to a home because a man had had a seizure,  and when said man awoke from the seizure ,he was confused and thought the first responder was there to hurt him.  Wait for it:  he shot and killed him.

Looking good, Challenger.

Before I awoke to this mayhem on Facebook I had actually had a euphoric dream that I won a contest and the prize was billions of dollars!  I'm talking billions with a B.  I told my husband we would never have any money troubles ever again. ( not that we do )  I immediately voiced that I wanted to give $1 million to the Sanders campaign!  I was going to build homes for the homeless!  And lest you think I'm a complete altruist,  I was going to do some high end traveling to great spots in the world.  I kept asking everyone in the dream if this was a dream and they all said "no".  By the time I woke up I was convinced it had not been a dream.  Imagine my confusion upon waking and mulling the whole question over again.  Alas it was a dream, but ah what a good dream it was.


  1. I like your dream! I can't even imagine what it might be like to have a billion dollars. That's a thousand million. Shit, I'd take half of that and be happy. Imagine the multi-billionaires who don't think they have enough, or should have to pay their fair share of taxes. Oh yeah, that's our country. Go Bernie!

    1. oh, you KNOW I'd give you half!

    2. How funny, I just realized that my comment sounded like I would take half of YOUR billion. That's not what I meant, but thank you! I should have written, "I'd settle for half of that and be happy."

  2. Sounds like a great dream :) Such fun to have that much money and so many places to use it that would help others-- as well as ourselves ;)

  3. You know how I feel about guns, anyway. How 'bout the guy the other day who slid off the road in snow, and shot the good samaritan who came to help? Geesh.

    Your dreams are much more luxurious than mine! But today a poor man in a wheelchair asked for some money for food, and I noticed his new hospital bracelet, and he mentioned the hospital he'd been to and that he needed to refill his inhaler. Maybe I'm a chump, but he wheeled himself right into the pharmacy when I said I didn't want him to be having trouble breathing. Working on making things better in small ways.

    1. yes, I heard about that. so very sad. can't even be a good sam anymore. My dreams are usually this luxurious. This was the odd man out. But it was so real, and my euphoria was so real.

  4. I'm as liberal as the next person, but I cannot support Bernie. The more I learn about him the more I distrust his direction for our country. So not even a million of my billions will go to him.

    With billions of dollars I would set up a foundation and spend the rest of my life giving the money away to deserving individuals and organizations.

    1. I think that's a great idea; I would do it as well. It would make me soooo happy.

  5. I will of course vote for Bernie if he is the nominee! And I like him, especially his strong views on economic fairness. But I do not think he is as strong in other areas. Any D is miles better than any of the many R's in this particular election cycle.

    I hope people will be showing up to vote on the down-ticket items, too -- state and local officials; ballot measures. The presidential election gets all the glory, but we need to use our ability to vote everyplace we can, because it is all important.

    1. so right, Kathy, and no matter which dem gets elected (because it better be a dem or we are moving overseas) we, the people, need to stay active in our democracy to ensure that it runs the way we think it should.

  6. What I find most fascinating is that in the dream you had a suspicion that you were dreaming and asked everyone and they said, "No." It has never occurred to me in a dream to ask someone else if I were dreaming. When I'm not sure, my strategy is to look closely at my surroundings in the dream and see if anything doesn't look quite right. Even then, sometimes in a dream I am sure that I am awake and find that there are several layers of dream within dream awakening before I can wake myself up. Those are not good dreams, and it is a relief to finally be awake. Kind of like a Philip K. Dick novel. Sweet that your dream was so positive!

    1. yes, not sure if I've ever had a dream in which I asked, multiple times, if I was dreaming!


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...