Monday, February 1, 2016

Monday Musings (Caucus THIS)

If you are like me, dear reader, you throw about the term "caucus" like you know what you're talking about. I think I used to understand what the process was, but the facts have gotten away from me over the years. So I have been doing a little research. And you know what? The Democratic Party caucus system makes no sense. The Republicans actually have it right on this one. One delegate, one vote, secret ballot. Just like a general election.
I have no patience for this kind of thing. The circuits in my brain begin to smoke when I imagine being among a throng of devoted citizens who are each championing their candidate's cause. I have a sister who is a lobbyist, and if her rhetoric and doggedness is any indication, it is crazy town in those caucuses.

I suppose if I have no patience for this kind of thing, I can't very well complain about who is my party's nominee.  I have forfeited my right to grouse since I abdicated my responsibility.  See, already there is an impediment to normal every day folks participating in selecting the party nominee.  Only the hard-core political animals amongst us can stomach this stuff.

So, on to Iowa tonight.  Little tiny rural Iowa.  Absolutely non-representative of the country as a whole.  Sigh.  (Can you image the outcry if California were an early caucus state?  Oh my, those lefties on the left coast are determining the future of the party!)  I continue to hope that Bernie Sanders is our party's choice.  It's a long shot but so it goes.  My views don't usual prevail on the national political scene and I am used to bitter disappointment.

And on the GOP side of things in Iowa?  Please.  Don't we all have better things to do this fine day?


  1. I watched the live version of Grease last night, which was pretty good. MSNBC sent a team there to try and create even more hysteria. I will skip the news tonight and read the papers tomorrow. I think I've gone to watching news once a week... if that. It is all oriented to making a person upset and the info can be read and not spend so much time getting it. It's only interest for me is to see the manipulation being used by so many politicians and pundits. Eeek and one of those politicians will be running the country next year at this time.

    1. yes, better for the nerves to avoid the hysteria.

  2. We were just talking about the insanity of caucuses this morning. It makes no sense, and don't even get me started about the absolute absurdity of Iowa. Our country is very crazy and getting much crazier. I will vote the Democratic ticket in November, who ever is on top of the ticket. Bernie's dream is my dream, but I know that if Hillary is the nominee the country will pretty much stay as it is, and any Republican will just make it much, much worse: Big change, no change, scary change.

    1. and did you hear about the COIN TOSS? Sweet Mother Mary!

  3. I nearly blew up the television yesterday when I started to watch "Sunday Morning" and they talked about it being "Iowa Caucus Eve." Honest. For the next several days, I will be watching only Netflix or Amazon or stuff previously recorded.

  4. A reporter on the BBC attempted to explain it to viewers, without the benefit of Lego, a few days ago. I thought I must have got it wrong but no; it really is as crazy as it sounds! Our major political parties also have differing systems to elect their leaders and, despite constant tinkering, often end up with clearly the wrong person.

    1. it seems no matter what we do the crazies rise to the top. in some circles its called SCUM and ought to be SKIMMED.

  5. Well we do have coverage of the happenings and events here in the UK ... and just think we have how many more months of future coverage to go !!!

    Don't let it spoil the weekend

    All the best Jan


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...