Friday, March 18, 2016


What a week.  Oy.

Are you as shell shocked as I am by the state of our country's political scene?  The Drumpfster is who we are all talking about.  Remember the days when Ronald Reagan was our scariest option?  'I have left orders to be awakened at any time in case of national emergency, even if I'm in a cabinet meeting."  Now we're stuck with a Tweeting asshole who says things like "If Hillary couldn't satisfy her husband, what makes her think she can satisfy the nation?"  Really Presidential.  Really really scary.

I am disappointed that Sanders did not sweep this weeks elections.  Robert Reich thought he might.  Oh Robert, I was counting on your analysis.  But Sanders is staying in the race, and while I don't think has a good chance anymore, some do.  So I am in wait and see mode.

Back in real life, we've had gorgeous mild weather that calls to us to go outside, take small trips, and photograph to our hearts content.  Spring has sprung and the flowers are bright spots that remind me life is good.  We're watching our dogwood and wisteria that we planted last spring.  We tried to water as much as possible since they are young, but with our water restrictions, they no doubt got shortchanged.  Now we're a bit anxious, waiting to see if there are any signs of life.  Last year at this time the were both blooming.  Not now.  Hmmm.

I've been a busy little worker bee this week, "branding" myself on the Internet.  I have a new website that shows my work and there was a bit of a learning curve getting it up and running.  The kinks, I believe, have been de-kinked.  You can see it here.  Photographer friends gave me some very useful feedback while I was building it.  I'd like it to be a vehicle for selling my images and will endeavor to promote it.  I'm am well covered on the Internet now, what with my Instagram, Face book, and web pages.

All this instigated because my parents' Realtor is enamored of my Yosemite Half Dome print and was inquiring about purchasing it.  My parents can't believe I'm not a world famous photographer.  I am their brilliant child, after all.  Sigh.  How little they know about my world and the world of marketing and art.  Art marketing.  Impossible odds.  A gal can dream.  And, above all else, a gal can just enjoy making her art

Going out with the mister right now to take advantage of another beautiful day.  We'll walk the university campus and see what images reach out and speak to us.

Stay thirsty, my friends!


  1. Marketing is the challenge as without figuring it out, nobody can buy anything. It's difficult for those who have never done it but it also is a challenge and that's cool. :) Good luck with yours

    1. Thanks, Rain. I know you know all about it.

  2. a word or two here from "the mister". re the Drumpfster,
    very clear that even if he cleans up his act (literally) and becomes more "Presidential", we all know what is really going through his mind. That is only part of the reason that foreign leaders and governments have already said, no thanks, and have stated that we will be alone, not at all feasible in today's world.

  3. btw, my darling wife always tells it like it is, and what she thinks is what I think. She writes so well that I can leave it to her, to speak for both of us and better than I. I can stick to tiny endearing comments such as this.


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