Friday, April 22, 2016

TGIF (Paris)

Well, folks, it's been a great week in Paris.  So many impressions, sites, interactions, delicious meals, laughs with my husband, meeting new friends,  getting to watch my husband converse in French (there is something so sexy about this language).

Our last day here, we ate a late lunch at this Falafel restaurant in the Marais.  The restaurant that was recommended to us by 2 different friends was closed due to Passover.  Yep, hard core.  So, we turned around and stepped across the lane to this place.  Steve had Chwarma and I, Falafel.  It was delicious, and a completely new food for Steve.

Unfortunately for me, the Falafel came back 3 hours later to haunt the hell out of me.  No last romantic dinner in Paris with Steve.  I spent the night curled on the couch, double up in pain.  What had I done to offend Him so?  Why smite me on my very last day?  Why me? Why me?

Now it is early morning and me thinks I hear chickens in the neighborhood.  Seriously.  Some birds are squawking up a raucous.  I've got packing to do.  Steve took care of his last night as I lay unconscious, grateful for the black darkness.

We'll walk through a few streets to the Rue du Rivoli, where we can catch a taxi to the train station.  Off to Avignon, rent a car, travel to our farmhouse where we'll be for the next week.  Other than last night, it's been grand.

Au Revoir, Paris.  Au Revoir, La Marais.  Let's get together again, shall we?


  1. I've enjoyed the Paris posts but am looking forward even more to see what you find to photograph in Provence.

    1. Oh, thank you John. Who knows what will come? Whatever it is, I'm looking forward to it.

  2. You must be on your way to Provence as I type this. Looking forward to what you'll see there. I've loved Paris through your eyes. Hope you are well and feeling great!


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...