Monday, May 23, 2016

Monday Musings

A good weekend was had by all.  Especially the grandson -- he loved the hot tub (his first experience with the bubbling cauldron) and spent a long time underwater, after he figured out that he could do it.

I derive inexplicable joy from my kids and grandchild.  Any visit from them is a good one. 

Randy and her two young men got our little plot cleared and prepped for the next stage.  Now that I see it all cleared and cleaned up, I wonder if it's a good spot for a pea gravel sitting area?  Or should I go with the original plan and make a succulent garden/herb bed?  I don't know, but I've got 2 weeks to figure it out.  Can I do both?  Hmmmm. 

We also had Randy and her wife over for dinner and to watch Game of Thrones.  I was embarrassed to admit that I did not remember how the last episode ended.  I just figured out why -- I had fallen asleep and missed it.  So I re-watched it today and now understand my friends' incredulousness that I couldn't remember it.  It was spectacular.  Fire and destruction and new life and woman/goddess power.  Whooooeeeee.

Go Kalisee, Mother of Dragons.


  1. My husband watches Game of Thrones but also records it. He tends to nod after dinner and a few drinks so he watches again on Monday. Love the little guy in the hot tub.

  2. Never watched Game of Thrones, but I have enjoyed a good soak in a hot tub!

  3. "I derive inexplicable joy from my kids and grandchild. Any visit from them is a good one."

    I couldn't agree more ...
    Lovely post Tara.

    All the best Jan


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...