Friday, November 18, 2016


Another week kicked in the guts.  Speaking of guts, mine are causing me a lot of pain and nausea.  I've got a doc appointment this afternoon to get a referral to GI specialist.  Could this all be stress induced, or is something physically amiss?  Hell if I know.  I just can't stomach must of anything.  Literally and figuratively.  

I've been watching the serial show, American Horror Story, which has been around for awhile and -- to my mind back then -- was too grotesque to watch.  However, needing some diversion (not Disney films) I tried it and it is actually quite good watching.  Populated with accomplished actors, it explores the sick psyche of our human race.  It also has redemptive value, of course, which is why we endure the horror part.  What made me turn to this series?  Was it a desire to connect with my darker side?  A need to see the true inhumanity of man?  Or just a good ol' fashioned scary flick to disappear into for respite?  Could be all of the above.  Or I just enjoy watching Kathy Bates paint her face with blood with obvious relish.  The standout star, for me, is Jessica Lange.  Now a mature woman, the various roles she plays require an actor with depth.  I really do believe her various characters, and Jessica disappears completely.  Now, that's acting.

Keeping track of the Drumpf transition, via the NY Times.  He really is doing things he said he would do, as evidenced by the people he is appointing to his cabinet.  No folks, he was not fooling around.  But I knew that.  Every time a supporter brushed off his most horrific rhetoric, I knew he was serious.  It's that old saying, "when someone tells you who they are, listen."  He's told us.  My sister just returned from a business trip to D.C. and she says it is a very subdued town.  Murmured conversations of "we're fucked" can be widely overheard.

I had great fun creating a new profile pic on Facebook.  Pretty much sums things up for me.

I would be most gratified if others did a similar picture.  I am going to RESIST and be a bad ass Nasty Woman for at least the next four years.  His Presidency is not going to be normalized by this gal.  No way.  We're in for a bumpy ride.

On the home front, a fall cold snap is finally here.  Indian summer has waved good-bye and I couldn't be happier.  Fires in the fireplace, 12  hours of sleep each night.  I am mimicking nature and going dormant.  It's a relief.  I am enjoying hearing from friends, both on their blogs and Facebook.  Great guffawing laughs at the funnier side to this sick national scenario.  I haven't seen my parents since the election, and I'm a little afraid to.  Given that they voted for Drumpf.  We aren't usually on the same side politically, and if it had been another Republican candidate, I could at least understand since that is their party.  But Drumpf?  That's beyond the pale.

Spending Thanksgiving with my husband's family, which is good news since we always have a good time and they are decidedly anti-Trump.  

How are you coping with the current state of our union?

Wishing you a peaceful and beautiful weekend.


  1. My gut pain is purely related to gluten and when I got off it, the pain was gone in the area where I had inflammation. Now I cheat once in awhile; and if I only do it rarely, no problem. If though I do it too much, back is the lower abdominal pain. Good luck with finding out what yours is from. Having to give up gluten is a loss but not having the pain is a relief.

    1. thanks, Rain. Had an xray today (to rule out obstruction) and an array of blood work. GI doc not available until the 29th. Doc said if pain gets bad, go to ER. Oh, and he also have me some anti nausea meds (yay!).

    2. What I did was just try it. I luckily can use other grains but some cannot. My DIL is gluten intolerant but never tested celiac. I talked to my doctor after I had begun getting off it. It can take 6 months to know but for me it was less. If you find that is your problem, there are some great cookbooks out there now. I felt lucky that this hadn't happened to me over 10 years ago like one of my high school friends. There was so little back then. Now there is even gluten free beer and pizza ;)

  2. Not coping well here at all. And today's appointments did nothing to ease my mind. It is clear that the old white men's society want to set our civil rights back to 1950.

    Hope you get some answers and solutions to your GI problems. Do you take a multi-culture probiotic? Might help. My GI doc advised one when I recovered from the GI bleed. He said he used to think it was "voodoo" medicine but he is convinced that everyone should take one daily.

    1. I imagine in your state, you need to be fairly discreet with your public comments. Not so much where I live, but we did have dinner in a conservative little town near us, and one of our dining companions suggested we keep the talk just above a whisper. I have not yet been a target, but imagine some day I will be. And I'm not standing by when others are targeted.

      I do take a mc probiotic, and have for several years after testing revealed I had absolutely NO gut flora whatsoever! Who knows, this could all be stress. Had xrays and blood work and will meet with doc again next week.

  3. Tara, I love you. I want you to know that in case I can't continue to cope. You are a good, good person. You are my kind of person. If the two of us weren't married, well... Oh, what BS! No, I love you and your friends because, without people like you I would surely swallow poison. My rage, my passion, my anger continue unabated. But I don't have much hope. I can't even afford to sell and move, though I wish I could. But, what the hell, there may come a time in the not-too-distant future in which REVOLUTION is not a dirty word. I don't like guns. But I may buy one, just in case the nutcases who were afraid of their confiscation were right. ;-)

    1. John, we need you, more than ever. Today was the first day I woke up and thought, "Hell, this election has radicalized me all over again!" I feel empowered, not hopeless. We are not alone, I am inspired by all the ways in which people are resisting (Hamilton actors response to Pence) and donating to causes that must remain strong.

      You don't need to move. Your talents can be put to good use right where you are. We joined friends for dinner last night and I noticed one of my friends had a safety pin on her lovely outfit. So did I. It was beautiful.

      So, not only will you continue to cope (don't make me come out there and hit you upside your head), you will do what you can in small, medium and big ways to RESIST.

      I love you, too John. You are a lovely man who I feel proud to know and call 'friend.'

  4. I so hope your gut issues resolve, Tara. That does not sound like fun at all. Your Thanksgiving plans sound perfect though. Best to hang out with like-minded folks for now and give your heart and psyche a break. Love your FU 2016 pic. I've been thinking about doing one, but have been sidetracked by other dramas. Ah life.

  5. I don't know if it's been reported in the US but our excuse for a Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson, reacted angrily when Trump said that some areas of London were "no go areas because of the threat of Muslim extremists". Johnson replied, "I think Donald Trump is clearly out of his mind, I think he’s betraying a quite stupefying ignorance that makes him frankly unfit to hold the office of President of the United States. I would invite him to come and see the whole of London and take him round the city – except I wouldn’t want to expose any Londoners to any unnecessary risk of meeting Donald Trump."
    That of course was before the election. He now says, "Congratulations to Donald Trump and much looking forward to working with his administration on global stability and prosperity."
    I don't think I'd want a job like that, however much it paid.

    1. yeah, this kind of congratulatory behavior is fine when a actual politically experienced is elected. It's not acceptable for the election of a man like Drumpf: never held public office, gets all his news from the internet for gawd's sake, and his appointing racists to his transition team. I will never normalize this thug. Ever.


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...