Monday, December 26, 2016

Monday Musings

What a grand holiday season for us.  The last guests have left, and we have a quiet home once again.  We entertained steadily from Christmas eve day until this afternoon.  All welcomed guests, all loved, all seemed to enjoy themselves.

Love, kisses, hugs and laughter all around.  Plus the antics of a 5 year old boy who is a sneaky and cheeky lil' monkey.  He and I had a couple of soaks in the hot tub together, which was quite the challenge because we have had some seriously cold weather.  Once in the tub, of course, all was fine and dandy.  But getting out was agony.  I love him a lot

 A couple of days before Christmas, we received this tin of homemade cookies from a friend in France.  We spent time with her husband while in Paris this year, but we have yet to met her.  And yet, she, the most thoughtful one, put together a wonderful package of tea towels, hand painted mugs, treats and these cookies she made herself.

That's a stellar woman right there.

Christmas eve and the first night of Hanukka happened to coincide this year, so we lit the menorah while a friend of ours said prayers.  I haven't done this ritual since my daughter was a toddler and we were living with friends who are Jewish.  My husband has had our menorah all his life, and it is a treasure.  My husband is not observant, and I'm not Jewish, but I always appreciate customs and rituals.

Here's our cheeky monkey writing a thank you note for Santa.  He put it next to the cookies and milk.  We were tracking Santa on the NORAD site and it was pretty exciting.  When the sleigh got to the United States, we hustled him off to bed so Santa wouldn't skip our home.

Christmas is so much fun when you've got believers in your company!

I have skipped some post as of late, as the general tenor of the country has me worn down.  So our wonderful holiday visitors were just what I needed and wanted.   After my nomadic and erratic life fades into my background, I am often aware of how lucky I am to have a home, a life partner, a daughter (and her family) and good friends.  I have everything I could possibly want.  I cling to that these crazy days.

Hope your holidays were filled with love, too.


  1. So glad to see a post here. I've been wondering where you've been. Sounds like the holidays were just the thing to lift the spirits and get back to writing again. Christmas and Hanukkah are not my favorite holidays, so I mostly hide this time of the year. It's lovely to see the happiness these holidays do inspire though, and I am so glad yours was wonderful!

    1. Yeah, i've not been inspired lately. OMG. I just realized that I just passed my blogaversary! 10 years!

  2. Sounds like a great holiday time. It's exciting with small children at that time. I remember those years well :)

    1. yes, the small children make all the difference. And my pregnant daughter, who, in her 3rd trimester is looking radiant, healthy and happy.

  3. Sounds like a great melding of traditions. The cookies look delicious!

    1. oh Kathleen, they were so good. Real, subtle, mouthwatering.

  4. I'm glad to read your post and happy to know you're recovering a bit of joy after a hellacious few months that have tried, and continue to try, our souls. I envy you your hot tub, by the way!

  5. Oh, I envy the hot tub, too! Glad you had such a glorious time with family and friends, with bits of this tradition, and that, and still more.


    1. This hot tub is the best thing ever: Coleman inflatable. $300. Standard wall plug. Super easy to set up. You're just never gonna get a cheap hot tub that works so well (unless someone gives you one).

  6. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, you dear person! I'm glad you had fun.

    1. aw, thanks Elizabeth. Great seeing your posts over the holidays as well.


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...