Tuesday, January 31, 2017

A New Outrage

An new outrage.  Every fucking day.

I don't know about you, but my Senators' phone lines are busy and / or the voicemail is full.  Every. Single. Time.

It helped today to read the "World" section of the NYT.  Shit going down elsewhere.  But the article about the populist movement in Europe was sobering. 

Speaking with my sister yesterday:  she is depressed.  Ever since the election.  I said, "Join the club.  You have millions of fellow members."  Attending the DC Women's March was the first time since November that I felt any kind of hope and/or power. 

Now we're watching in horror as an acting Attorney General is fired for doing her job properly and an un-vetted Steve Bannon gets a place at the table, thereby booting out the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

What fresh hell awaits each and every day?

I am happy to donate my money to organizations who will be keeping a sharp eye on this administration, and I am now a subscriber to major, credible news papers.  I anxiously await the political down fall of this corrupt gang.  Boil the tar!  Bring the feathers!

I am perplexed by those who appeal to us to maintain the "high road."  This is not the time, my friends.  I don't worry that my anger will poison me -- I worry that lack of outrage will turn into complacency, and that, my friends, is something we cannot allow.  There are times in this life when we must become warriors, fighters, fueled by our rage. 

This is not the time for a rousing version of Kumbaya.  This is the time for a robust and snarling We Shall Overcome.

I shall continue to nourish myself with exercise, good food, friends and family.  No one can take that away from me.  I'm just adding a new component to my existence, and it's called resistance.


  1. I love "This is not the time for a rousing version of Kumbaya. This is the time for a robust and snarling We Shall Overcome." Absolutely right. This administration is kicking my emotional butt, but I'm still ready to fight back. I would like to see the Republican Congress stand up and say something, those spineless lunatics. I swear we are in this fight for the long term. It's amazing what he has done in his first 11 days.

  2. As for your senators -- I've taken to emails (copy and paste to the other senator, and if appropriate, your rep), and these past few days, faxes. Everybody says to call, but if the lines are busy or mailboxes are full, gotta take other measures. Not one busy signal on the faxes.

    1. great suggestion! I just downloaded a FAX app on my computer. Will do this -- thanks much.

  3. My representatives do not bother to acknowledge receipt of communications anymore. But that doesn't stop me. We subscribed to THE NEW YORK TIMES just to show our support for them. And we are spreading our contributions more, giving to more and more organizations. We thought we had prepared for the worst, but still find ourselves gobsmacked at least daily.

    1. it is encouraging to see the newspapers getting record numbers of subscribers. We MUST support the truth tellers. And the donations for PP and ACLU and Southern Poverty Law Center, etc. etc. WAY UP. Good! Great! Awesome!

  4. Yes! This: "I don't worry that my anger will poison me -- I worry that lack of outrage will turn into complacency, and that, my friends, is something we cannot allow. There are times in this life when we must become warriors, fighters, fueled by our rage. "


  5. less worldly, less kind, than most people who are barely crawling.


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...