Friday, January 20, 2017

Black Friday

I sit here in Falls Church, Va., about 8 miles from  the White House in DC. In 3 hours   El Cheeto, Fuckface von Clownstick, will be sworn in
I read this morning that he had requested a military style parade for today, a la North Korea, China and Russia. Our military told him "no" because, for one, the public streets do D.C. Are not equipped to handle a 100,000 pound tank, much less a bunch of them. (Is this really happening?) He is getting a flyover however, the first inaugural flyover since 1949.

Friends are coming in from all corners of this states, and even Antarctica, to march tomorrow. I'm feeling a strange mix of dread and exhilaration. We are crossing our fingers for rain today (it has been forecasted) and mild temps tomorrow. 

My hosts here have been lovely. I have the most comfy guest bed ever, which makes it a challenge to leave it every morning. It calls to me, reassuring me there is no reason to leave it for ANYTHING except the call of nature.  "Courage," I tell myself, "courage."

I spent my first day in DC at the Smithsonia American History museum. The array of exhibits was breathtaking, from Julia Child's kitchen, to the inaugural ball gowns of the First Ladies, to Lincolns top hat he wore on that fateful evening.  We ate lunch in the museum's cafeteria and sat near a window with a perfect view of the Washington Memorial and the African American Museum in near alignment.

Later in the day we went to the MLK monument and the WWII monument, which was just beginning construction the last time I was here. The MLK statue is much more appealing in person than on the news.  Then back on the Metro to Falls Church.

So, yes, tomorrow is OUR big day, pussyhats and all.  I carry the good wishes of so many friends with me.  I even advocate for the rights of women who voted for von Clownstick. They may not know it, but the need the advocacy of other women.

Let the revolution begin. 


  1. Thank you for marching, Tara. Yes, LET THE REVOLUTION BEGIN!

  2. I am with you today in spirit. I wish I could be there, but I will be thinking of all of you braving the weather to carry our message. ROCK ON!

  3. What a wonderful day of unity yesterday was. Such a thrilling sight to see such power and courage. And there were millions of us who could not march but who were still joined with all of you. My son marched alongside his wife in Indianapolis.


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