Friday, February 17, 2017


Some five years ago we welcomed this lil fella into the world.  Now we are awaiting his sister, and I'm spending time with my daughter to keep her occupied in her last days of pregnancy.  I was present at my grandson's birth and I'll be here for her birth as well.

We found a lovely garden apartment to rent. It's in one of my old neighborhoods, though, honestly, in 33 years I lived in just about every part of town.  I was out walking the other day, and passed a house where my first husband and I lived for 5 years. Feeling nostalgic as I was gazing at it, my phone rang. It was my daughter, telling me they were on their way to the hospital to get checked out. Her water may have broken.

After running tests and hooking her up to monitors, they said she could go home.  False alarm.

So today we had our nails done after going to breakfast.  We'll find things to do, play with her son, rest and wait out this torrential rain we are having, and soon, she and her husband will bring their daughter into this crazy world.

Steve and I went to one of my old favorite cafes today,  in the Seabright neighborhood. We ate last night at another favorite joint just up the street.  Tomorrow we have out of towners coming in, and we're taking the kids to dinner at another old favorite that we frequented for special occasions (graduations, weddings, birthdays). I wonder how many pounds I'll gain on this trip!

So, while we continue to watch this joke of a President fuck up daily, (that  press conference yesterday was a doozy, wasn't it?) we are also on vacation trying to leave the everyday behind. And we are focused on this lil baby.  The good stuff. The really really good stuff.

Have a lovely weekend, friends.


  1. It is always so wonderful to be back in Santa Cruz. I love that place like no other. It's my favorite. Enjoy your visit and keep us posted about that little one on her way.

    1. Steve is definitely picking up on the vibe here. Thinks it is much like Portland, OR.

  2. Happy baby! And yay about finding the apartment for now. Think the rain should be tapering off.... xoxo

    1. Today there is sun! We took dogs out for a walk. It was glorious.


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...