Monday, March 20, 2017

Monday Musings

Blah.  Blah blah blah blah.

Goobity goo goo goo.

That's how I'm feeling right now.  Drained.  Confused.  Difficulty forming thoughts and words.

I did manage to get out into the yard both days this weekend to do some much needed clean up.  I took it very slowly as I am still building my body back up after my month long cold.  This cold really knocked the stuffing out of me.  Not only did it make my body feel lousy, it was not good for my mental health.  I've been anxious, cranky, unhappy, down in the mouth, you name it.

On the upside, Lucy had her tumor removed and her teeth cleaned.  She is doing well, running around like nothing ever happened.  That knocked the stuffing out of my bank account, but it needed to be done and now, hopefully, she will be around for  years to come.

The other upside, the Lilac is starting to bloom!  Daffodils may be had at Trader Joe's for a mere $1.49 a bunch!  And the parents are now in their new home in the retirement community of their choice, enjoying their neighbors and the amenities.  They've already watched the movie Sully in their auditorium,  something they missed when it was in theaters because it's too difficult for mom to get out to a movie theater.

So, yeah, I know there are good things out there.  Just not feeling it as much as I would like.  I will get down to visit with my new grand daughter soon, hoping that will restore me and provide some company for the new mom, who needs her grown up time more now that ever.

I don't have anything profound to say about sadness.  We've all been there and we will be there countless times more in our lifetime.  It helps me just to keep doing.  To get out of my head.  To notice the feelings.  Cry if I must.  Understand that this is the nature of existence.  And then, to turn, and see the purple flowers bursting out of their dark green leaves.


  1. You might find your mineral balance is out of whack after that cold. Magnesium in particular can be a problem if it gets too low. Otherwise, it's wait it out. Spring is on its way and this guy won't be president forever-- it's just going to feel like it ;)

    1. Thanks, Rain. It wouldn't hurt to take some mag.

  2. Oh wow, if we were still neighbors, we could get together and commiserate. It's been a hellish long winter with sad news from every direction. I hope you start to feel better in all ways, Tara. Spring, they say began today... we'll see, said I, we'll see. Take care.

    1. Oy. Maybe a good phone call would help! I might get down to SC today to see the kids for a couple of days.

    2. Keep your eye on the weather. It's going to get a little bit rainy in Santa Cruz over the next few days. I was thinking we should have a little chat. I'm in travel recovery mode at the moment, but some time over the next few days, let's talk. It would be so good to hear your voice.

  3. Yes to all of this. It does seem a particularly trying time to be alive, though.

  4. It's so awful to feel like that, isn't it? Sending warm thoughts across the country. I hope this slump meets an end soon.


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...