Friday, June 2, 2017


Oh lordy, what a week.  My violent feelings towards our administration grows daily.  My disgust with those who voted them in (President and congress) knows no bounds.  I was conversing with fellow treadmillers at the gym and we were of like mind.  Hysterical laughter followed by deep sighs.  So many of us are filled with anxiety and deep sadness.  Thank goodness for the healing powers of exercise and companionship.

There are also healing powers in just taking good care of yourself in general:  eating well, getting enough sleep, taking time to unplug, connecting with friends.  We had a new hot tub installed today and we plan to get a lot of use out of it.  There are a few things that can transport me to a place of peace and relaxation, and soaking in hot water is one of them.  Another is walking in the woods.  Or on a mountain, or near water.  Rocking in my hammock on a summer day, with a book in hand.

Puttering in my garden is also good soul food.  So many greens, and pinks, purples, reds, yellows, whites and the cooling shade of our cedar tree.

I was visiting the folks the other day, and for a change they did not turn off the national Faux News channel while I was there.  I kept my lip zipped but was fuming inside at all the bullshit.  When I left I was depleted.  Same as it ever was.  They are in their 80s and I cannot hope to change them.  It is no wonder there is a large base of support for this administration.  They listen to garbage like Fox News.  Noise. Misdirection.  Out and out deceit.

I'm hearing from friends who were active in the protests of the 60s and 70s.  We are dismayed that we have regressed this far.  We thought we were making a difference, but now it doesn't feel like that at all.  Racism is alive and well.  Income inequality is even bigger than it was then.  We're still fighting in unjust wars.  Sometimes it is just too much for this gal.

And then I see this, and am infinitely relieved and amused:

I will be forever grateful to Leonard Cohen for his wisdom and his humor.  

Be here now (thank you, Ram Dass).  And know that you are not alone.  Many of us are suffering and finding our sanity and comfort in small and big ways.  Big love to you all.


  1. As you know, some will always get it right, it takes work, understanding, courage, and time. And some will always get it wrong.

  2. More and more people live in niches where they only know those like themselves. They read and watch the news sources that make them comfortable leading to more and more division and lack of understanding for other viewpoints. Even social media tends to divide up. Maybe it's tribal and we always have.

    1. if only we could convince even HALF of Fox News viewers to switch to PBS News hour for one week...that would be a start.

  3. Thank you for writing it down, Tara. We're all in this together.

  4. Tara and I are deeply ashamed of our country being led by this band of rogues.

  5. It is a time of disgust and fear. And today the tweets were especially awful. Taking only snippets of what the London mayor said and making it appear totally different. Guess he heard it on Fox.

    1. yes, he excels in kicking people when they are down. shameful.

  6. i really likes your blog and You have shared the whole concept really well. and Very beautifully soulful read! thanks for sharing.


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...