Friday, July 14, 2017

TGIF (My Colorado Adventure)

I am one pooped grandma.

I had a great time, but what with the altitude (5,003 ft.) and daily kid care, I feel depleted.  Since returning home I've been enjoying sleep, lounging, snacking, more sleep, and watching Le Tour de France.

I also discovered at altitude that I need to drink copious amounts of water.  I was swollen from the heat, and my shoes that are normally a tad large for me fit snugly.

I think the most fun day of the trip was the afternoon on the lake with friends and family.  My first experience kayaking and I loved it.  A good arm workout for sure.  Paddling to the other end of the lake into the reeds revealed turtles and dragonflies of many different colors.  And lots and lots of water weeds that were so think and prickly that one would not want to go swimming there.

The customary summer thunder storms brought us in off the water to shelter from the strikes.  A good break time for wine and lunch.

It was the first time my son in law was able to relax and do nothing since his heroic effort in moving his family from California.  Both he and my daughter worked non-stop to get the new house put together, and it looks great.
The other big treat was spending time with old friends.  We had not seen each other since the kids got married 7 years ago.  We go back a long way.  Back to when our daughters were babies.

We picked up right where we left off.  Seamless.  When we departed, we beamed at one another.  Marveling at the years.  Marveling at each other.

I look forward to going back with my husband.
 In the last couple of days, Eden and I finally spent some good time with each other.  He had been, shall we say, difficult up until then.  No doubt the moving put stress on him and he was acting out with everyone, not just me.

Enter mom: she had a heart to heart with him and his attitude changed instantly.  He said he loved me.  He wanted to do science experiments with me.  And board games.  And so we did.  It was great to have the boy back.
 On the last day we braved a hike in the heat.  It was brutal in the sun, but once we hit the tree cover it was delightful.  Of course that's when the  boy needed to use the toilet, so off we went to home.  No toilets out there.

Turns out we were all pretty pooped (no pun intended) and so it was all fine.
I grabbed a Lyft ride to the Denver airport.  So incredibly convenient.  I love that service. 

I didn't want my daughter to have to make the 3 hour round trip.  I'll be using Lyft on future trips, which I hope Steve and I can do with some regularity.

Colorado is a beautiful state.  So much to do there, out in nature especially.  Such a different landscape from California.  And so high up.  The sun really beats down on you at 5,000 ft.

So, welcome home, me.  So happy to be back with my husband and my doggies.  Sleeping in my own bed. 

All in all, I'm glad I flew out there with my daughter and her kids.  It helped her transition, and it helped me as well to be able to see where they are living.  It's going to make my transition easier.  This is uncharted territory.  For 29 years my babe has been within spittin' distance.

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.  The fears are paper tigers.  You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process, is its own reward.
 -- Amelia Earheart
The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward.
Read more at:

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward. Amelia Earhart
Read more at:
The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward. Amelia Earhart
Read more at:


  1. Sounds like a grand and tiring adventure. Really glad you are home now, resting and reflecting on the journey. You are quite the mom and grandma doing all you do with love.

  2. Oh, yay! What a wonderful trip! Yes, mamas need to do the transitions, and be useful, and despite all the moving-related stuff, you got to hang out. Glorious! Job well done!


    1. Yes, it was all good but hanging out was even better!

  3. I am running into the elevation thing combined with heat in Yellowstone. This was less noticeable for me though when I wasn't almost 74 lol.

    1. Yaw, these things get more challenging with each passing decade.

  4. Five stars you get for sure. So glad you enjoyed it all and also that you can now relax and recover.

    1. The rest and recovery continue, though it will be a week tomorrow. Some day I'll have to get a move on, I suppose!

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