Monday, October 2, 2017

Monday Musings

We've got some wicked wind in these parts.  Been going on for 24 hours now.  There's also a pungent smell of wood smoke, though the skies are clear.  It has penetrated our home, despite windows being shut time.  I imagine it's coming through the chimney.  It's pretty foul.

And yet.  Children are playing on the school grounds behind the house, their laughter and screams make it past the double pane windows.  It's a happy sound, a good reminder of the joys in life.

There is so much to grieve these days.  So, so much.  A tiny example: hurricanes, floods, mass shootings (again), bombs falling on innocents overseas, war-induced starvation, genocide, white denial in Amerika.  I won't go on because it is more than I can carry on my sagging shoulders.

So, taking a page out of the book of Roger and Robin, we took a trip to the bird sanctuary yesterday for some peace.  For some soul food.  Our friends (collectively called "RoRo") get out into nature a lot more than we do.  And they get solace there.  We were looking for the Sand Hill Cranes yesterday, since it's been reported they have begun their annual migration.  We didn't see any cranes, and only a few herons, and a whole lotta coots.

But it was grand to be out there (despite the wind) nevertheless.  So, thanks RoRo for the inspiration and the little nudge we needed.

May you find a bit of peace this week.


  1. So glad we could inspire you to go out, Tara. It's just good for our whole beings to be outside, even in the wind-blown air. It's been crazy windy here too. These are such difficult times, it seriously blows my mind. The only peace we have, we have to make for ourselves in the chaos of the world.

  2. Thank for adding to the peace.

  3. I'm not feeling well. I meant thank you.

  4. I've always felt that the sound of children playing is rather like the music of the Highland bagpipes - beautiful to hear in the distance but somewhat overpowering in a confined space.
    There certainly seems to be a wicked wind blowing through the world at present.

  5. Every day you see coots is a good day. What fun to see those funny little birds bob under the water and pop back up. Yes, finding a serene place outdoors brings peace not otherwise seen.


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...