Monday, March 12, 2018

Monday Musings

The long slog towards moving continues.  Yesterday we had a glorious sun filled spring-like day and so we hauled our STUFF out of the garage and into the drive way for an impromptu moving sale.  I had be griping on Face book about 'cheapskates' who wouldn't pay asking price for items.  A couple of wise friends reminded me that the whole point was to get rid of said STUFF.  Thanks to their sage advice, I was practically giving items away, and people were delighted.  We did manage to sell both road bikes!  I gave a little plastic ukulele to the two year old grandson of a man who lives down the street.  He was shy about it, but happy.  He managed to get over his fear of dogs and gave Lucy some good back rubs.  Grandpa, child and I were sitting on the warm concrete just having a good old time plucking strings and playing with the dog.  And Grandpa and I laughed and joked about what a challenge it was to stand up after a good long sit on a hard surface!

Damn, but we have some nice people living on our block.  They came out today to look and chat and catch up on our doings.  I kept asking myself why we hadn't all gotten together before this.  Our newest neighbors from next door came by and said that their 10 year old twin boys were sad that we were leaving, because we are "nice people."  Two widows down the street showed up to admire our STUFF and revealed that they have been next door neighbors for over 50 years.  They both take in young people to rent rooms.  One gal has international graduate students who stay with her a year at a time.  She loves the company, the intelligent conversations, and acts as a sounding board when the students are writing a paper or preparing for a lecture.  She bought one of our bikes so that her students wouldn't have to buy one upon arrival and then attempt to sell it when they leave.  How thoughtful is that?  She was widowed just about the time we moved in, and she has responded to her new life in a positive and healthy way.

Living next to one of the widows is a young couple with a 19 month old son.  They came by, were delightful and talkative and I sold her some kitchen items for real cheap and she was thrilled.  She inquired as to our children, and I explained we have 3 daughters and 5 grandchildren between us and she seemed genuinely impressed.   I love talking to young people.  Their grown up lives have just begun and full of energy and hope for the future.  Reminds me of when I was their age.  Now I'm the elder, and I'm looking at the long (or short) arc of a life.  I get kind of dreamy about it all.

We sold one of our cars last week, too.  Got a good price for it, and helped out a young woman whose car had been totaled and she needed a reliable vehicle to get to work.  The money will help, as we found out that our roof needs replacing.  We had a second opinion done by a trusted source.  We don't have to arrange it, but we will credit the buyer so she can have it done.  It came as a total surprise to us, as we were not informed of any roof problems 3.5 years ago!  (Not real happy with the realtor who sold us the place.)

So, escrow is a bit of a moving target, depending on completion of some inspection work.  I'll be so damn happy when this is completed.  I'd like my life back, please.

We did have a great break on Saturday night when we drove to Petaluma for a gallery opening.  A friend of ours had two photographs selected for this juried show.  We went to see all the work, and to support his efforts, and dined on really delicious pizza afterward.  I drove the 1.5 hours well prepared with good music cds, though the hubs was a little baffled by early John Prine.  JP was a musical hero of mine in my youth, and I learned many of his songs on the guitar.  So I couldn't believe the hubs had not heard of him.  I had to cut the cd short to spare my beloved, and put on the Beatles Let It Be album.  Wow, what a flashback. 

Yes, I'm feeling nostalgic these days.  How could I not?


  1. You're inspiring me to do my yearly spring sorting and letting go. I'll be keeping the best of the music from the old days. Thanks for reminding me of John Prine. With a little Googling, I was able to figure out the exact day that I first heard him singing. It was January 1, 1978.

    I was washing dishes. My former husband was in the living room watching TV. Upon hearing a voice I'd never heard before but loved immediately, I rushed to the living room to see who was singing! John Prine had my heart from then on.

    There is a feeling of positive momentum and energy in what you wrote. We've had several beautiful sunny days here, too. One of the best things about sunny days here is that we can see the stars and the moon in the night that follows. I treasure clear nights.

  2. thank you for the link. it started me on a John Prine video extravaganza!

    Our little fig tree is budding out. I saw it this morning and it almost made me cry. I won't be here for the fruit this year.

  3. Love the idea of the impromptu garage sale. What a wonderful way to meet the neighbors. Your neighborhood sounds like ours, full of good kind people in every age group with lots of life stories. I wish we lived closer to Petaluma, would've loved going to that gallery opening. Glad it's all working out in every way, Tara!

    1. thanks, R. We now face new hurdles: city requires permit for our portable spa installation if you can believe it.


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...