Friday, August 24, 2018


What a week, what a week.  The house of cards is falling (hip hip hooray) and I am riveted by all the 'close' confidants of the Orange Bloated One who are flipping on him.  This isn't the end, sadly, unless some miracle occurs.  I fantasize that the First Lady will take Barron and leave the White House for her home country.  Stay tuned.  It is bound to get very very ugly before it is over, and as Brennan said tonight in an interview, I hope the "adults" around the POTUS will stop him from doing something too terrible.  Right.

The hysterically funny art that is coming out of all this is fantastic.  Look up the recent covers of Newsweek Magazine, with POS POTUS drowning in stormy seas that eventually flood to the ceiling of the Oval Office.

In other news, I am recovering from my angiogram that I had yesterday.  Nothing terrible, just sore in the groin where they inserted the catheter by which they went into the heart (through the femoral artery in the groin) to search for a blockage.  No blockage was found.  What was found was something called a "fistula."  Probably a congenital issue, it involves a blood vessel coming off one of the coronary arteries where is should not, and going into a pulmonary artery at a place it should not.  It essentially means that the full blood supply to that part of the heart is not getting there.  And, that's the part of the heart where all my haywire electrical activity is coming from.  It's a very rare condition, and so the cardiologist will consult to find out what the next steps are.  There is a cork screw like device they can insert into that vein which will essentially cut off the blood flow and direct the blood back into the heart as Gawd intended.  Then we could see if the electrical activity returns to normal.

I was sedated but very much awake during the procedure, and it was fascinating to see the inside of my heart as they injected dye and lit it up.  What a complex organ (as are they all) with so many components that could fail.  I'm amazed we human exist at all.

The hardest part of the 9 hour day was having to lie flat for 4 hours after the procedure.  They don't want the femoral artery to rupture at the incision site, so they tape you up real good, and keep you still.  Probably even more boring for my sweet husband, who stayed by me for the day.  He got a short break to go home and release the hounds for their potty break, but other than that, he was there.  Waiting. Waiting.  Watching me catch a nap, etc.  BORING.

So, today, I took it easy.  I thought it would be great to go into town and see a movie.  So we did.  But we could not find a single parking space anywhere.  Anywhere.  (Damn you, college students.) We gave up, headed towards home, stopped at a Mexican restaurant and had lunch. Hospital discharge instructions included drinking a lot of water to flush out the syrupy iodine dye which can clog up in the kidneys. Modelo counts, does it not?  We had delicious stacked enchiladas with a fried egg on top.  I grew up eating these babies, and these babies were above and beyond what I knew.  I dare not tell my dad, because he'll be all butt-hurt that I love these more than his.

We ended the day having dinner with a great couple here at the Big House.  We've enjoyed their dinner companionship a few times, and tonight we decided to make it a standing weekly date.  How nice is that?

Life is good.  Happy Friday.


  1. Good to know that there are no blockages and that the angiogram showed what is likely causing the problems with the electrical activity of your heart. How fascinating to be able to see your heart beating! It has been quite a week, hasn't it? The Mexican food sounds great!

    1. Mexican food was just the thing! And I have left overs for breakfast!

  2. I'm so relieved that the docs didn't find any blockage. But oy a rare fistula. I'm sure they'll do some fancy doctor stuff and get it all fixed. Glad you had a delicious meal and also have such nice companions at the Big House. Life is good, well except for all the other stuff that's not. Oh Orange Bloated One, please go away.

    1. Don't you just love all the funny magazine covers and cartoons on this fool?


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...