Monday, September 10, 2018

Monday Musings - Be Still My Heart

One more doctor appointment with a new cardiologist is under my belt.  This one specializes in electrical systems of the heart.   She conducted yet another EKG, and read results of all the tests I've had thus far.  A new piece of information: the electrical impulses (wayward ones) are not only coming from the left lower ventricle, but also the upper right atrium. 

I like her: very knowledgeable, to the point, thorough.  We proceed this way:  going onto blood 'thinner' at a very low dose (not the standard beta blocker because that's not good for people with asthma), wait two weeks and do another 24 hour heart monitor to see if electrical activity is calmed down.  Then, an MRI of the heart to see if there are underlying conditions which might be causing the PVCs and PACs.

If medication doesn't do it, and if there are no underlying conditions, then we move onto the ablation procedure, wherein they insert a catheter into the heart, map the electrical impulses and use radio waves to blast the tissue in order to block the impulses (can't get around the resulting scar tissue).

As it turns out, says doc, asthma inhalers with albuterol in them can bring on these conditions.  Well, I've used albuterol for 40  years.  Have to.  No way around it.  So, if I can, she wants me to cut back on the use of it.  Hmmm.  Tricky one.  For an asthmatic.

On top of all of this, dear reader, I've had a weird hot tingly feeling on my head (left side) behind the ear and left cheek and jowl for 3 days.  I have an appointment with my GP this afternoon.  Sometimes it's mildly irritating, sometime excruciatingly painful.  Last night I was using an ice pack to help and it did, until I removed it.  Maybe an ice pick would have been more effective.  Eerily reminiscent of severe headaches that I got many  years ago, 2 summers in a row.  Each one lasted 11 days and sent me scrambling to medical professionals for relief, for which there was none.  Shit.  No diagnosis.  Headaches originating unilaterally in the eye.  The second one, a year later, started in the other eye.

For the last 4 years I have been free of ailments, mostly.  It's been a wonderful period of good health.

Until now.

I'd like something to put me to sleep for a week or so.  This sucks.  I'm exhausted from being an interesting patient.

That is all.

I hope your Monday is going better than mine!

P.S., Tuesday:  probable shingles doctor says.  Ordering an MRI of head and neck to rule out other things.  Gave me 3 kinds of drugs to help me through.  Drugs are helping the pain (Norco - opioid) but wear off long before my next scheduled dose.  I slept really well last night (thanks, Norco!) and woke up pain free.  For about 30 minutes.  Then it returned.  Sigh.  It's going to be a long couple of weeks.


  1. TARA (that's me shouting!) this post is scary and scaring me. I remember your headaches from years ago. I hope and beseech the universe that what you are experiencing is not that. And, I hope that maybe even cutting back a little bit on the albuterol will mitigate your heart issues and not cause asthma problems. Please be well and take care. Thinking of you.

  2. So sorry to hear of this latest health issues Tara. It does sound concerning in every way. Hope there is an answer and resolve to this sensation and pain that you've been subjected too! Take care dear friend, and keep the updates coming!

  3. I won't shout -- but Tara, you are doing the right things, investigating the odd, going to experts! Fingers firmly crossed, and sending love. xoxo

    Your cardiologist is hot on the trail of what's going on. Good!

    I hope your GP has some ideas about the head pain.

    Have you talked with whomever you do about your asthma? Albuterol is a rescue med, and yeah, it ramps things up. You're a long-timer, so likely on preventive meds also -- but those kinds of meds evolve, and maybe something else would help prevent the need for the albuterol? (All the fires are not helping matters, since you've gotten a lot of particulates in the air these few months....)


    1. yes, I take Flovent to prevent attacks, and my doc upped my dosage last month due to all the fire smoke. It is helping, but not entirely limiting the need for the albuterol.

      thanks for your encouragement re: the heart stuff. Yes, I have faith in my two cardiologists, and for that I am grateful. They are both doing a methodical job of detective work.

  4. Just seeing that I am 'unknown' poster. No idea what that happened. This unknown would be Trish, amiga mia.

    1. ha! "unknown" indeed! Weird that this happened, right?

  5. Good gracious Tara! So much to deal with! I am glad you are not letting the grass grow under your feet. These are all important things. Keep us posted! Xo ktc

    1. Good gracious, indeed! It's crazy town up in here! I appreciate your note, and I will keep y'all up to date.

  6. Sending much love as you work with your medical team to find relief.

    1. thank you so much. I'm lucky to have a good team to help me through all of this.

  7. So sorry about your problems and sending positive vibes from across the country.


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...