Monday, October 15, 2018

Monday Musings

The Hubs and I got away for a few days last week.  The 4 hour drive to Monterey was, at times, choked by construction slow downs, so we were glad indeed that we had many music cds to choose from.  Billie Holiday got us through the worst of it going south.  What better music than the blues to let you know you've still got it pretty good?

The weather was gorgeous throughout our stay -- autumn usually brings mild and warm temperatures, clear skies and light breezes to the peninsula.  We strolled Carmel's Scenic Drive, soaking in the views and searching for that perfect photo.  Conditions for photography were great, and the photo above is my take-away gem, out of many, many shots.  Some days you really have to work for that one image.  Plus, I was shooting with a new camera that my husband gave me a couple of months ago.  I haven't used it but one time before we journeyed south.  I've been experiencing a visual burnout, which I do from time to time, and so this lovely camera sat in its case.

The time away was a welcomed break from the routine of our lives.  S. just turned 76, so this was a good excuse to dine well, stay in a hotel (in the heart of downtown Monterey), and meet up with friends.  One friend we had lunch with I hadn't seen in 31 years!  The last time we were together was my baby shower, if you can believe it.  We've been in touch over the last few, through Face book, so there's that.  She was as warm and friendly (and funny) as I remembered.   Why in the world we dropped off each others map is beyond me.  Or, at least, whatever reasons there were don't matter anymore.

I appreciate these friendships from the mid to late 1970s very much.  The last time we were visiting, a couple of months ago, we stayed with friends at their lodge in Carmel Valley and were also joined by another friend from high school.  All the cliches about growing older are true, and too numerous (or boring?) to go into here.  Suffice it to say we are all still here, which is a gift in and of itself.  And that my husband enjoys their company, and they, his, well.  It doesn't get better than that.

Home again, and enjoying the Rose Garden out our back porch.  Now that the extreme summer heat is abating, folks are gathering out there more regularly.  It's a gab fest,  I tell you!  The dogs play and tramp through the plantings while we chat and laugh with the neighbors.

The roses ARE there, in the background.
Proof of roses!
We also practice our first two moves of Tai Chi, which we started on Saturday.  The class was packed, with people waiting outside peering in through the glass (no room at the inn).  I just knew it was going to be harder than it looked, and of course it was.  Easier for me that most, except for the two ladies who have practiced it before.  

It's all about balance and flow, and when it comes together, it feels great.  It's a four week class and will likely be extended to a regular affair if the interest is there.

I love being able to do it outside.  I'm also, finally, at that age where I can do it in pubic spaces and not feel self-conscious about it.  Just another perk of being older.

Happy Monday, and enjoy the week ahead!


  1. Autumn at the coast is the best time of the year for a journey. Your photograph is so beautiful. And how wonderful to reconnect with an old friend. Aging is so interesting. It's hard to imagine being a half century older than 16 year olds these days, but I am. Maybe I should take up Tai Chi!

    1. so far, I am liking the Tai Chi. Slow flow which aids in balance and health.

  2. I especially love the first photograph. So nice that you could get away and especially to meet an old friend.

    1. Thanks. I love that pic, too, and I took many! And, we were lucky enough to break bread with TWO old friends on different days. A really lovely couple of days.

  3. I took Tai Chi the year after I graduated from college and still remember some of the graceful moves. I think I should start it up again. Thanks for reminding me.

    1. you're quite welcome, E. Got maintain that 'balance,' don't we?


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...