Monday, January 7, 2019

Monday Musings

Well, shoot, boys and girls.  I have started a clear liquid diet today in preparation for a stomach surgery on Wednesday.  That's right.  Wednesday.  I'm having my fourteen year-old gastric lap band removed and the surgeon wants a completely vacated stomach.

I have the following on hand:  three kinds of broth, lime jello and gin.  Hahahahaha.  I do have gin, but I think it is ill-advised to drink it.  You may feel badly for me, but who you should really feel badly for is my husband.  I'm going to be real cranky before this is over.  Hell, I was cranky yesterday as I was anticipating this fast of sorts.

I did have a bit of a mental breakthrough this morning, an 'a-ha' moment when I remembered that as a young woman, I would often fast for 24 hours because I believed in the health benefits of that.  There came a point in the fast where I would feel exhilarated, high you might say.  So, I'm looking forward to that this time around and I'm full of hope that it will happen.

Meantime, I have lots of nuisance tasks I can take care of (schedule the car for service; call the cemetery in Monterey and straighten out some incorrect record-keeping; call my health provider and have an incorrect charge removed from my bill).   If I really want to go big, I can work on my story about the 812 Cinema for my writing group.  I received some useful feedback and suggestions for enlarging the story.  We'll see.  I've also got a list of movies on Netflix that are calling out to me.  That's pretty tempting.

I watched a Coen brothers movie last night, The Ballad of Buster Scruggs.  Those Coen brothers make some weird-ass movies that are intriguing and appalling all at the same time.  Like a car wreck you just can't look away from.  This movie from 2018 is no different.  A series of short stories of the American Wild West that turns the traditional narrative on its head.  Some of them are downright creepy.  But these brothers manage to turn 'creepy' into 'darkly funny.'

The next couple of days are bound to be 'darkly funny' around the Big House here.  Yippee.


  1. Sending love, as always. Yep. It's true that not eating can bring on euphoria. I've experienced that.

    Sometimes dark humor is the best. My friend who is under hospice care sent this to friends via email last week:

    "Just what was it that the cured ham recovered from?"

    1. Thank you for the love! Your friend's note is priceless. I just know that that is the way I'm going out of this life, making jokes and cracking up. I know this from close calls in hospitals over the years. Humor is just the way I deal with big stuff. It's more fun that way.

  2. Sending you good wishes for an easy time of this 48 hour liquid diet. Roger's daughter "E" was on a clear liquid diet for the first few days while in the hospital, so we made chicken veggie broth for her. She loved it. Nutritious and delicious. Hope the surgery goes well, Tara. We'll be thinking of you. Please keep us posted. Love you.

  3. Here's hoping all goes well. With the liquid diet, with your cranky mood, and most especially with the surgery.


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...