Monday, January 28, 2019

Monday Musings

Here I am in the land of chill.  67 miles north of Denver, we were spared the twelve inches of snow they received last night!  It is terribly cold, however, and picking my grandson up from school today was a - er - ah challenge.  Even with gloves, a hat, a vest and a scarf.  I was flabbergasted to see small humans running around in just pants and t-shirts!  All the adults there to pick them up were bundled up tight.

After I dropped him off at school this morning, I made my way to a coffee shop that turned out to be pretty deserted.  Good coffee, and a chance to sit in the sun that was streaming in the large windows.  Interesting shadows on the floor triggered a cell phone photo (left).

I'm here helping out my daughter for the week, as her husband is on a business trip.  My grand daughter gets off to daycare at 6:30 a.m. if you can believe it!  She likes it and doesn't hesitate when it's time to get dressed and go.  Thanks to daycare, she is also now adept at using utensils to eat her food.  No more fingers unless something spills off her spoon or fork.  A big change just from a month ago.

I'm getting some social time in, too.  Tomorrow it's brunch with a friend and Thursday it's lunch with a woman we met on our trip to Morocco in December 2017.  Back at home, I hope that the hubs is scheduling dinner dates while I'm away.  He had dinner with my folks last night, poor fella.  Actually, all went well.  I'm just a tad burnt out on the parental front.

I miss my Lucy, and I now know what the deal is for flying with dogs.  I spoke with a young man at the Sacramento airport who was traveling with his miniature Australian Shepard.    He gave me the run-down, and I think I'll skip airplane travel with her.  Ir costs a hundred dollars, and the dog must be in a crate that fits under the seat.  Lucy wouldn't stand for that.  I fear she would cry the whole way.  Best to avoid all that.

Anywhoooo, that's what's happening today.  Hope you have a great week!


  1. Wow! Denver in the winter! That's an exquisite cell phone photo. Good to know that you can spend this time with your daughter and grandchildren and friends in Denver.

  2. That's a very striking image. I don't like the sound of that weather though. We have much to thank the warm ocean-currents for in the UK.

  3. So glad you are having some time with your daughter and grands. Sitting in the sun with a great cup of coffee sounds marvelous. Enjoy.


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...