Monday, November 18, 2019

Monday Musings

I was contacted by an old friend just today.  She and her then husband gave me a safe place to stay when I left my first husband with my toddler in tow.  This is was two days before the Loma Prieta earthquake back in 1989.  We met in child birth class and were instantly drawn to one another.  Our children were born just weeks apart (mine was early, hers was very, very late).  I was 30, she was 40.  She was remarkable in that, at age 40 she  had her first child and she had more energy than I did.  I marveled even more when she had her second child five years later.

After several years, we drifted apart but reconnected many many years later when I moved into a house in her new neighborhood.  It was a brief reconnect, as my then wife was rude to her and everyone was also still working and very busy.  So I was delighted to hear from her today, and it turns out she is still singing (has been for about ten years or so).  I'm embedding the Youtube video of the trio she is with.  Their mission is wonderful: to uplift, inspire and connect.  The Trio was born in the aftermath of the 2016 elections.  I was going to save this video for a Friday music post, but it's so much fun, I can't wait.  It's long, and contains many songs.  If you have the time, it's really worth watching and listening to it all. "Sisters of the Heart" was especially uplifting for me.

(This video disappeared but I've reinserted it. If it goes away again, apologies) A great way to start the week, me thinks. Especially since I've had a wild weekend filled with asthma and coughing. I was in the ER on Saturday night for a few hours because of asthma, and I woke up my poor kids to take me in. My daughter and taken an - uh - sleeping aide so my son-in-law drove me. He was very sweet and brushed aside my apologies. The ER 'experience' was a very good one, however, and they took good care of me, gave me IV prednisone and sent me off with a prescription for more. I'm feeling better, somewhat, this morning, though the asthma is still there and my throat is very raw and sore. Maybe this is a cold. I don't know. I'm planning on going to yoga this morning if I'm feeling up to it. Fingers crossed. I was well enough last night to have the family over for a full-on dinner of roasted chicken, mashes potatoes (with gravy!), asparagus and butternut squash. I had all day to work on it slowly, so I wasn't exhausted, having prepped everything well in advance. It was a hearty meal with my favorite people on the planet.

Let's not forget that this week plans on being another bombshell of testimony in the President's impeachment inquiry. I am riveted. I will be watching for Sonland on Wednesday in particular. Let's hope he doesn't make the mistake of lying to Congress. That has not worked out well for the other seven men associated with Trump.


  1. Soeey about the asthma but glad you are back near supportive family. Fingers crossed that you continue to improve.

    1. just resting up, which is always a joke when steroids are on board! This too shall pass.

  2. Hope you start to feel better soon, Tara. Pretty impressive that you made such a big yummy dinner for your sweet family even though you weren't feeling well. Such love. I'm looking forward to Sondland's testimony as well. Oy.

    1. slow and steady wins the race. Do a little prep, have a little lie-down. It was all worth it.

  3. You've been in my thoughts. Wanted to find the time to listen to the music before commenting and now I can thank you for sharing the music of the trio your friend sings with. Hope that the last 24 hours have brought more healing.

    1. thanks. I'm on day four of steroids and it's helping with the breathing but makes me very shaky and amped up I'm afraid. Also raises blood sugar a lot, so I'm going through my test strips and insulin quite quickly! But, breathing is important and so I do what I must do.

  4. Some nice positive music there. By chance I was listening to Joni Mitchell imploring the people to "Get Together" on You Tube the other night. I remember the song well, but we didn't know it would be so difficult and take so long!
    Hope you're feeling better now.

  5. So glad to discover your blog! Reconnecting with old friends s the best-- sometimes it can seem no time at all has passed.


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...