Monday, November 25, 2019

Monday Musings

Colorado is a very beautiful state, that goes without saying.  The skies are particularly beautiful and obviously can be enjoyed no matter what part of the state you are in.  Here on the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains, there are spectacular sunrises and sunsets which seems to last a long time compared to being on the coast.  I was curious about this apparent phenomena and I searched for verification of it and could find none.  So perhaps it is just me.

Here's a view of a typical sunrise from the back of my house.

That's looking southeast.  If I leave my blinds just slightly open at night, I'm awakened by a rich rosy glow which always gets me up so I can see it fully.

At the end of the day yesterday I drove southwest into Boulder to have dinner with friends.  The sky was spectacular the entire drive (one hour) between 4 and 5 o'clock.  I wish there had been a good place to pull over and get some sky photos, but there isn't, and so I took a shot out the car window.

We're expecting a good amount of snow tonight and tomorrow, so on my way home this morning I stopped and stocked up.  I also bought a snow shovel at the grocery store.  Even though the HOA clears snow in the neighborhood, they often don't get around to it until there's quite a build up.  I've learned from neighbors that it's best to shovel your driveway before it gets too deep, in order to avoid driving on the snow and compacting it into sheets of ice.  I'll also be able to shovel a pathway for Lucy to go out and do her 'business.'

I attended a Friendsgiving celebration on Saturday night that was attended by about twenty of my daughter's friends.  It was fun, albeit noisy, and there were plenty of children running around outside in the chill -- without coats!  Such amazing internal heaters they have.  There was another woman there who attended with her kids and grand kids, and we exchanged information so that we could meet for walks and whatnot.  She's from Atlanta and visits her kids several times a year.  I am discovering that Fort Collins is populated with people from all over the United States.  It's rare that I have met a native here.  Someone also mentioned the Newcomer's Club, so I have gone on-line and signed up for that.  All kinds of interest groups from wine tasting to book clubs to hiking and field trips.  I'm looking forward to meeting like-minded folks and establishing some friendships.

I am adjusting to my new life and this move has kick started my engines.  I am defying gravity.


  1. Glad to hear that you've got gravity beat. We've had very few sunrises and sunsets here lately for the simple reason that we haven't had much sun! Real English weather has held sway for a couple of weeks. It's very difficult to defy the gravity which fixes me to this comfy armchair.

    1. ah, "real English weather." Not sure I could endure. And, I, too, know the gravity of a comfy chair! Or my bed on a lazy morning.

  2. Love seeing the skies there, Tara. I'm hoping you'll keep running outside and taking a look up. I'm imagining all kinds of atmospheric optics happening there. So glad you're settling in there and making it home. Yay!!

    1. the number of lenticular clouds here is astounding. i see them most every time I drive into Boulder from Fort Collins.

  3. So glad you are happy there. It is beautiful but I would not like all that snow. I had enough in Wisconsin. Have a great Thanksgiving.

    1. yes, I know it must seem crazy to people who have moved out of snow country for me, at my age, to move TO it. Maybe I am a bit "touched."

      Happy Thanksgiving to you as well!


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...