Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year!

A photo from about 1981.  A dear friend, a spectacularly creative woman whose enthusiasm for life was infectious. Momi Fong breathed fresh (and exciting) air into my life.  She modeled for me often and was always game for costumes and props.  Momi died a few years ago of pancreatic cancer.  We hadn't been in touch for several years, and she was on my mind a lot that April. I emailed her.  No response.  I emailed her husband.  No response.  So I figured I was personal non Grata.  But then, in May, I heard from her husband that she had just passed away.  I missed my opportunity to reconnect with this lovely light of a woman.  I'll always regret that.


  1. Such an interesting photo, Tara. Looks like it was taken so long ago.

    1. Yes, in the early 1980s. Black and white infrared film. My dear friend, Momi Fong, who has since passed from cancer (3 years ago). I loved the ethereal quality of this film, and also how it often looks like a graphite drawing.

  2. A beautiful and moving portrait of your dear friend.


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...