Monday, February 10, 2020


Oh, joy! Last night my grandson spent the night with me.  We had pizza (cauliflower crust), cherry tomatoes, crispy snap peas and fruit chunks for dessert.  We camped out on the couch with a tray between us and watched his shows.

Eden loves rolling around on the round foot stool (pouf) I have.  And he likes to balance on it, standing tall and moving his feet as if on a surf board.  That pouf is getting a work out.

He was pretty wound up after an afternoon at a rock climbing gym with one of his pals.  He explained to me that this particular friend gets grumpy quite easily -- mad, even.  Today it was the 'prize' he got for reaching the top of the climbing wall:  a Cliff bar.  His pal wanted a toy.  Eden was quite thrilled with the cliff bar, his friend was not.  Eden said, with equanimity, that his friend didn't speak to anyone while in the car going home.  He was pouting.  I told Eden he was very patient with his friend, and his reply was, "Whatcha gonna do?"  Exactly.

My son-in-law is on a business trip to India, of all places, and his mom and a friend drove to Boulder to see a drag show, of all things. 

His little sister was with the wife of the woman who Laurel was with, and she took my little grand daughter, who is about their son's age.

Eden was picked up bright and early by his Nanny in order to get him ready for school.  My daughter leaves for work about 6:15, and I know she won't have returned home before midnight.  She's going to be one tired ass teacher today.

And this, my friends, is why I moved to Colorado.  To experience the lives of my grand children and to imprint the totality of my goofiness upon them.

I had one very cool grand mother, and she was my favorite.  Not all grown up and stuffy like the others.  She modeled good grand parenting.

Crossing my fingers there will be many nights like this to come.

Have a good week!


  1. I also moved to another state to be near my young grandchildren and be an active part of their lives. It has been supremely satisfying. Goofiness seems to be the very best thing to share with them.

    1. A couple of women in my neighborhood have also moved here for the same reason. Grand mothers ROCK!

  2. What a grand evening you and Eden had together. Sounds like a lot of fun. I love the story about his climbing friend, "Whatcha gonna do?" Good question.

    1. It was really fun. He told his mom he had a good time. Doesn't get better than that.

  3. Sounds as if Eden already is grounded and accepting. "Whatcha gonna do?" is a lesson it takes a lifetime for some to learn. How wonderful that you can have a sleepover with this adorable boy.

    1. After having a very tumultuous toddle-hood and pre-school years, he really has settled down. He puts up with his almost 3 year old sister and is usually extremely patient with her as well. He's a doll and I love him to the moon and back. But you know how that g-maw love is, don't you?!

  4. May all grandchildren be loved as your grandson is!

    1. One of my goals in life: love my grand children up and give them great memories of fun with their Bubbie.

  5. There is nothing like having your grand children near...we only have one but she is the sunshine of our life.

  6. "And this, my friends, is why I moved to Colorado. To experience the lives of my grand children and to imprint the totality of my goofiness upon them."

    There is no higher purpose!

  7. Your young grandson sounds very wise, Tara. You both shared a wonderful evening together and I also liked his comeback to his friend's grouchiness...priceless and from the mouths of children!


Oh What a Night

No, not like that Night by the Dells.  I only wish. No, my night was full of tossing and turning, fitful non-sleep interrupted by one of my...