Monday, March 30, 2020

Getting Their Goose On

It's nesting season for geese here in Colorado.  It will last until July.  I have no photos, alas, but trust me when I say a great cacophony goes on all day, every day.  There is a large group of them down the road and I can watch from my house as they couple and do their mating dances.  They are almost as loud as the BNSF trains that roar by the house several times a day -- and night.  I'd much rather hear the geese.

Six kinds of geese are about, but I have no idea which I'm watching these days.  Brant, cackling, Canada, greater white-fronted, Ross' and snow. Bar-headed goose and emperor goose have also been found in Colorado; the bar-headed was even found to be nesting in Larimer County.  That's my county.

In addition to watching the geese, I've been recommended a movie called Crimp Camp.

I'm sure to like it, as it is about hippies and people fighting for their rights. Winning combination in my book. I'm going to make a matinee of it this very day. Stay well, everyone!


  1. I would love to see the geese there. So many different species. It must be grand! Thank you for the movie suggestion. We're looking for stuff to watch these days. Oy. What a world. Stay well, Tara.

    1. I LOVED the movie! Have you seen it yet, you hippie radical, you?

  2. Most of our wild geese disappear at this time of year as they leave for their nesting grounds further north, only the geese which have been imported from elsewhere remain here to entertain us with their adorable goslings. The film is set in the 1970s and thankfully much has changed since then, though much remains to be done. Working with the disabled in England I was always amazed at how helpful the general public were when we took the children out and about.

    1. John, I was in a wheelchair for three months after a scooter accident 15 years ago. I learned a lot about barriers and had a new appreciation for our country's Americans With Disabilities Act. Most people don't realize they could become one of that number in a split second. I'm glad you had positive experiences with the public and the children you were caring for -- visability always helps us understand each other better.

  3. We have only Canada geese around -- I love seeing them. And I love their cacophany! Stay safe!


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...