Friday, March 6, 2020

Leonard Cohen

I am a devotee of Mr. Cohen, God rest his soul. Years ago I watched the documentary "I'm Your Man" about his life and work. Plenty of fantastic performances in there by various artists. This first video of Antony Hegarty singing "If it be Your Will" is one of my favorites. I'd never heard of Antony before. And now she is known as Anohni. I don't know her background and when she transitioned to female, but I find it just adds to my admiration of her talent.

The next video is one that always, always makes me cry. It is a powerful protest song, and the words just knock me out. "I can no longer run with that lawless crowd, while the killers in high places say their prayers out loud." Perla Batalla and Julie Christensen do a bang up job. They used to be back up singers for Leonard. I've been lucky enough to attend two concerts of Perla's, and to meet and speak with her. She's a jewel. By the way, she's the one dressed in white.


  1. I remember Antony and the Johnsons winning the Mercury music prize some years ago but wasn't aware of her later story. I used to listen to Leonard Cohen a lot some decades ago, but not so much lately - I must put that right soon. Thanks for posting these excellent versions of his songs.

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A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...