Monday, April 6, 2020

Do What Ya Wanna Do

I'm so glad 'experts' are now telling us that we don't have to be productive while stuck at home. At first, people were dreaming of projects long put off, organizing their closets and cleaning out their spice cupboards. I still have the desire to clean the floor in my garage, caked with winter dirt tracked in by the car. The floor is a beautiful resin (I think) covering, so will be easily washable. I guess the former owner felt it important to go above and beyond the standard concert floor. Buckets of warm soapy water and a good stiff broom should take care of it. When I decide to get around to it. I did vacuum all but the two bedrooms yesterday, but only because my body desperately needed to move. But damn, the place looks good now. Today I might tackle the two bedrooms. It's been awhile. Mostly, however, I'm taking it easy: a daily walk with Lucy around the block, sitting in the morning sun on my front patio (enjoying breakfast), spending inordinate amounts of time on the computer, and watching documentaries and movies. My body is achy due to the lack of movement, hence the vacuuming.

I'm also cooking delicious meals. I usually watch a good t.v. program while I eat. Last night it was a show on a Colorado mountain town that boasts grand caves 1,400 feet above the valley. It's part of a PBS history series on Colorado, and as a new resident of the state, I discover all kinds of interesting people and places.

Just keeping up with the basics is doing enough for me right now. The days blend into one another and that's all right. Colorado is experiencing a surge of Covid-19 cases, as is my town. And yet the four lane road across from my home seems almost as busy as ever. I just don't understand. Maybe they're just going for a drive in order to get out of the house. I've done this a couple of times. Or maybe they're going to the grocery store. The part of me that's a control freak and a police officer wants to plant a big sign in the median that says "Stay the Fuck HOME!" I can be judgemental like that.

I'm trying not to judge the nay sayers, the Trumpers, the preachers and the conspiracy theorists who have now died of the virus. Not entirely succeeding, but I keep those thoughts to myself (mostly). I hope, at least, that people who think like them wake up when they see their kind die from this scourge. Speaking of scourge, our POS President pronounces it incorrectly time and time again. I hear this is snippets from his news conferences, because I no longer tune it for the circus. A new group of mental health experts are calling for urgent action to address the President's behavior, "The World Mental Health Coalition has issued a "prescription for survival" that urges several calls to action, including the invocation of the 25th amendment of the US Constitution, which would relinquish the president from office once the chief executive is determined unfit.

It also calls for the president's "urgent impeachment" in Congress and conviction in the US Senate, which must realise its decision "involves the very fate of the nation." The president also must undergo a court-ordered mental health evaluation and establish a Coronavirus Crisis Department within the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which would lead the US response to Covid-19, the group says." -- The Independent.

It will go nowhere, I fear. I don't know what it would take to get this guy removed.

This b.s. is one reason I am limiting my news watching/listening. What I am watching is the Ken Burns documentary series on the Roosevelts. Teddy was a bit crazy in his love of war, but he uncharacteristically (for a Republican) took on crooked politicians and businesses. He also began to give us a great National Park and Monument system. Observing his 5th cousin Franklin and how he tackled the devastating national economic depression makes me long for a Chief Executive like that in these terrifying times. Someone who could reassure the nation, rally people to action and develop national strategies. Sigh.

Anyway, these are the things and thoughts that occupy me these days. I hope you are taking good care of yourself, and cutting yourself some slack for any perceived lapses. We will get through this, and when we do, I envision lots of dinner parties, gatherings at pubs and breweries, and a surge of business for hair and nail salons!


  1. I don't think "Stay the fuck HOME" is judgmental at all. I think it's the appropriate response! Your home looks comfy and cozy. I'm hoping for a future that has a vaccine, appropriate medicine, and is Trumpless. Take care there, stay safe and well.

  2. Watching the Trump circus on the media from Australia I often feel for the decent, sane Americans. We have an idiot PM but he's more sane than Trump who seems downright dangerous. I have to admit to hoping Trump catches the virus. I don't want hom to die, I just want the message to get through to him. Let's see how that goes with Britain's PM Boris Johnson - if he survives.

  3. What's so interesting to me is how we're all doing, basically, the same thing. Even thinking the same thoughts. Except for the Trumpers, I guess, ever-faithful to the fool.

  4. I'm in Love with your Rug! I don't know how this President ever got cleared by a Mental Health Eval for fitness to hold the Office in the first place... he's not JUST unraveling, he's been a Sociopath and unstable from WAYYYYY back. He is what he's always been... how he's been allowed to Lead anything or anyone is the great Mystery, but his Cult of Personality... now that's even MORE Interesting!


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...