Friday, April 24, 2020

The Liar Tweets Tonight

Do you wonder if this virus is going to change the way we think about things, here and around the world? I think about that a lot and some days optimism rises but most days I think we're a lot of idiots who never learn from our mistakes. I know it's a small amount of people protesting at state houses but they exemplify the worst of us. My head is exploding with all the virus news, the way people are reacting, everything COVID, day in and day out. I'm burnt out. I don't watch the news every day, but of course when watching the late night shows, there it is, exposed in all its ridiculousness.

So, here's a lighthearted yet serious bit of entertainment for you, friends. Enjoy.


  1. I was going to post this song too, Tara. It's such a grand version. Truly creative and wonderful. Uplifting and delightful. Much needed in these unbelievably horrible times. Stay safe and well there, Tara.

  2. Pretty smart virus though, waiting till he's in charge before it strikes.

  3. Saw this on Facebook. Very apt.

    I agree with you Tara. I see many people calling for radical and necessary change post-COVID, but I also think most will want to pick up where they left off. I'm hoping nature steps in to prevent that. I'm so sorry US citizens have this dreadful man running the show in such a crisis. I do wonder what will happen when the idiot supporters hell bent on continuing life as normal start getting sick and dying though. That might be the game-changer in the US.

  4. Thank you (-: Gravity and levity. Yep!


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...