Friday, April 17, 2020

Weary Times

I first heard the Woody Guthrie song "Hobo's Lullaby" when the Kingston Trio covered it in the 1960s. I loved it, and when I began to play guitar at 12, it was on my list of songs to learn. I was drawn to the songs about injustice even at that age. I lived a life of plenty, and when it dawned on me that not everyone was so fortunate, my outrage was front and center. As we move through this pandemic, my outrage continues as I see the lack of access to good medical care, and the number of newly unemployed who have lost their health insurance. I fear we are headed into a very dark time, not seen since the Great Depression.

In addition to being a protest song, this song speaks to me of tenderness and kindness toward those most in peril during these hard times.


  1. I've never heard this song before. It is so perfect for these wearying times. We were inspired to listen to Joan Baez do this song. Listening right now!

    1. It's been a favorite of mine for a very very long time. Glad that you know it now!

  2. A favourite from way back. Emmylou Harris does a particularly lovely version of it - if I were a weary hobo that's who I'd have chosen to sing me to sleep anyway!

  3. I absolutely love Woody Guthrie.

  4. Old times, maybe not better times for many - but more simple I think.

    1. Seems as if all times have their good and bad. I don't yearn for the 'old times' necessarily -- without modern medicine I would have died long long ago!

  5. My first visit. I was drawn to your heading photo with camels. I love camels. I also enjoy your selection of music. Woody Guthrie is a favorite as well as boogie music. During my monthly drive between Atlanta and Nashville I like to listen to boogie music – always puts me in a good mood, although now I can’t leave the house. But I still listen to music all day long.

    1. Thank you for stopping by! I, too, am a fan of boogie. My musical tastes are varied and wide.

  6. While I have heard this song performed by others, I will confess to not hearing Woody Guthrie's version before this post. Thanks Tara for sharing and it is indeed an appropriate tune for these times.

    1. Yes, many have done it proud. It's a universal theme, I think.


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...