Monday, May 4, 2020

Blue Skies

I woke to a beautiful sunny morning today. Last evening we had such a magnificent thunder storm. I opened the blinds in my bedroom in order to look at the southern sky which was lighting up like the fourth of July. One of the strikes was so close that it rattled all the windows in the house! It was more exciting to watch the night sky than to fall asleep. I think I must have been awake for quite awhile, but I don't keep a clock in my bedroom so I have no idea.

We had a good storm the day before as well, in the mid-afternoon. When it all cleared up I saw this out my window:

I woke up yesterday feeling hopeful and physically well. I had more energy than I've had in weeks. I don't exactly know why, but it really doesn't matter, does it? I took Lucy out to one of our open nature reserves and we had a nice walk. I could tell she was joyous as well, as she scampered and leapt in the tall green grass.

Our stay at home orders have been lifted, but with restrictions. I'm more than fine with not going to shopping malls (yuck) and crowded movie theaters. I am going to continue to stay at home as much as possible, because I think, based on science and history, that we are going to see an up-tick in cases now that people are out and about. What about you? Are you staying home?


  1. We're still doing "shelter in place" here in California. Some counties are defying Newsom's orders, but that's the way things go. Love seeing the skies there. Oh those thunderstorms that roll in off the mountains or blow in from the plains. Always so beautiful and vivid.

    1. yes, I am looking forward to all the summer storms that carry a sweet scent and charged air.

  2. Feeling hopeful and physically well! Good news! We are to stay at home until May 31. That will be almost three months of staying home for me because I had an upper respiratory cold early in March. There are signs here and there that some restrictions will be lifted in June in Washington State.

    ¡Arco iris hermosa!

    1. I was just listening to a story on NPR about what happened when the Spanish flu restrictions were lifted too soon. Not good.

      la madre naturaleza en su mejor momento!

  3. The Western Australian government has lifted restrictions so 10 people can now congregate but regional borders, smaller zones within the state, are still closed and being monitored. We have had no new cases in several days - 90% of cases in Australia were from overseas people returning and those damn cruise ships. Australia being an island with a small population means it's not too dificult to conatin things.

    But we have been vigilant, as some surfers who travelled from the west coast to the south to do big wave surfing recently discovered. The police were waiting for them in the carpark and they each would have received a $1000 fine. They were also warned that if they were seen there again the fine would increase to $5000.

    1. With world travel so easy these days, many people brought the virus via airplanes as well as cruise ships. I heard on the news last night that Carnival Cruises is booking now! They are insane. I hope people are smarter than that.

  4. A good downpour does sometimes lift the spirits as it freshens up the scene. Children here are colouring in rainbows and placing them in their windows to cheer people up. Still avoiding the rest of the human race here though I can get out for a stroll and pay the occasional brief visit to the village shop for supplies. Much of the time this lock-down has proved quite enjoyable, if I can only concentrate on what I am able to do and forget about things I can't.

  5. Beautiful! We had a double rainbow here recently, but it was not as bright as this.

    Here in NJ, the governor has just opened up state parks. I think he caved to some pressure. People flocked to the parks and beaches like nothing was happening. Not me. Like you, I wouldn't be surprised to see a rise in cases in a few weeks or a month.

  6. Yep, Sharon, NJ is going to see a rise in cases. People just don't understand how this transmits. And there are more cases of babies and children dying, so it's not just the original "vulnerable" populations.


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...