Monday, May 18, 2020


My sweet friend Toni Bernard just sent me the newly published pocket version of her book "How To Be Sick," along with another of her beautiful watercolors.

I think the book is valuable for anyone struggling with any kind of illness or hardship.  This book is specific to illness (usually not diagnosed and/or dismissed by medical professionals) but her book "How to Wake Up" is a guide to living through joy and suffering.  She's been a practicing Buddhist for over 20 years.

I have experienced a number of health challenges in my life, and any one of them could have led me into permanent despair.  Somehow,  I always rise.  Maybe after a long while filled with doubt and self-pity, but I do either recover or learn how to organize my life in order to accommodate my body.

Right now the big challenge is how to adjust to this never ending stay at home situation.  Like you, no doubt, I've experienced every emotion possible.  Some days I just nap and nap and nap.  The waves of dreams wash over me and I give in to them.  Yesterday I emptied the dishwasher and cleaned the very messy kitchen and this was my big victory!

The things that sustain me now are the Colbert Show on CBS - smart, funny, sexy Stephen!  The Sunday Morning show on CBS is one of the very best shows on television, with their mix of news, art, music and interviews with, say, Graham Nash (this weekend) and other notables.  I've also become immersed in The Last Kingdom on Netflix, thanks to this blogger's suggestion.  It's captivated me completely, though it is filled with barbaric gore and epic battle scenes from the ninth century.  It is perfect escapism.

Our area is beginning to loosen restrictions, but I'm waiting to see if the numbers rise again before I abandoned the precautions set up.  I'm comfortable enough at home, though antsy and many times bored.  Oh. So. Bored.  And so very physically tired because I'm too whatever to get much exercise.  Ennui is a good descriptor.

Trying to be gentle with myself. 

How about you?


  1. I love that you’re enjoying Last Kingdom! Uhtred is dashing and wild of course, but I find King Alfred to be a hauntingly well portrayed, too. The series will definitely help with the ennui.

    1. Yes, Uhtred is gorgeous and makes me feel like a dirty old woman! So many well acted parts. I hope they make more. Reminds me of the Pillars of the Earth from the Ken Folet novels. Loved the books and the series.

  2. That looks like a great book especially in these incredibly challenging times. We've been having a deluge of rain here lately, so the things that we normally do to balance the madness (walking, gardening) can't really be done comfortably. Tomorrow we will begin of week of sunshine. I am so happy about that. We are worried about loosening restrictions, but everyone we see at the market is wearing masks. That makes us feel safer. I think that rule is going to stay in place here for a while longer. Stay well there, Tara. We're going to get through this.

  3. The other useful book I am dipping into (again) is "When Things Fall Apart" by Pema Chodron.

  4. Tara, you are definitely not alone in your feelings of despair and loneliness. Even though we live in a mill apt with more residents than the entire town we formerly lived in (VA) there is a feeling of aloneness. Some days I do not see a single person in the hall or lobby area. Being optimistic about when life can resume some form of normalcy can be difficult at times and not feeling well doesn’t help one’s mood. I have nit been watchung any shows but trying to do more reading and thankfully e-books are available from the local library, which remains closed. You have a caring and thoughtful friend.

    1. My neighbors and I gather each Thursday afternoon in the street to check in with one another. That helps a lot. I have a difficult time reading these days, which is not uncommon from what I'm hearing from others. So, yes, a lot of television to watch series, shows and documentaries. I especially like the travel series by Rick Steves. A great way to feel as if I've traveled throughout Europe.


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...