Wednesday, July 22, 2020

I'd like to be, Under the Sea

G'day to all. As you can see, I've been taking a break from the blog. I wish I could slumber until this whole bloody mess is over and done with. I'm longing for simpler days, like when I was 17 and 18 playing my guitar with friends. These days, however, the input of information is overwhelming. I don't know if my stroke altered my brain in this way, but I've noticed that since I had it at the end of June, I just can't take in very much information at all. It literally hurts my head.

This has been a gut punch of a year for me in so many ways. I need a break and so I'm taking one. I'll look for you all when I come back to center. Take care. Stay strong.


  1. I think many of us are wishing for simpler days and an end to all the worrying information spewed out by the media, much of which turns out to be just false anyway. But, even though it sometimes doesn't feel like it, this will all fade away given time. Take good care of yourself.

  2. I know exactly how you feel. It has been difficult to want to write about anything, and I've thought about shutting it all down again. Well, as a blogger once told me when I left one of my old blogs, take all the time you need. We'll all be here when you get back.

  3. These are such heartbreaking and challenging times in every way. Take care of your head and heart. As Sharon wrote, "We'll be here when you get back."

  4. It certainly has been a tough year Tara. Sorry you are doing it tough. I can relate to the feeling of overload - there's just too much uncertainty, too much adaptation expected of us in such a short period of time, too much difficult information to process. It's overwhelming.

    Getting off the electronic devices, away from my job (and people in general) and out into nature sorts me out. I hope you find some tranquillity.

  5. Thank you for letting us know that you are taking care of yourself. Sending love.

  6. Do take time to take care of yourself, Tara, it has been a tough year for so many and you have had more to deal with than many of us. It is hard trying to find what is normal these days. Some days I contemplate a blog break, but then it does offer a relief most days to see how others are faring. Do what feels right for you and return when you can. There are no rules.

  7. Take care of yourself, Tara. We'll miss you, but we'll be here when you return.

  8. Hi Tara, just checking in to see how you have been doing, as I have been doing these past several months. I was going to send an email, but there was no email address on the blog. These have been miserable and tough times for so many. Hopefully you will return to blog posting one day to let your fellow bloggers know how you are doing. Until that time, know that you are my thoughts and others as well.


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...