Saturday, August 10, 2013

Sac Town

When I moved to Sacramento in the spring of 2011, I wondered how I would like urban living.  I'm smack in the middle of midtown.  It took some getting used to: the cars, the noise, the sirens, the trains.  The pluses were the parks, the friendly people, the great mix of races and ethnicities, the shops and the restaurants.  This town is chalk full of very good places to eat.

Today I joined my folks at Negril Island Grill and enjoyed the best pulled pork sandwich ever.  The pork was super tender, just spicey enough, and the bread has crispy crust and a very fresh inside.  The Ginger Beer was good, too.  And the sweet potato fries were the best I've ever had in a restaurant. 

The owner/chef waits on the tables, and he's a happy gentleman with a warm attitude.

Walking to the grocery store later in the day, I passed all kinds of folks walking to do their shopping as well.  The trains rolled by (both cargo and passenger) and there is a cool breeze that made being out a delight.  No doubt we will have more typical Sac summer days, you know, where the heat melts the skin off your body.  But for now, I'm reveling in the cool.

After living in white bread Santa Cruz for so long, it's a joy to live in a place where there are comedy clubs, live music, a multitude of Farmer's Markets (even an Asian one) and - oh - I forgot to mention the well stocked second hand stores in our capitol city.  Clothes and furniture.  I am a firm believer in re-using items and it doesn't hurt that they cost very little.

I've also enjoyed quite a few minor league baseball games at our Raley Field.  Raley has some of the best views of the city of any park I've been to (well, save ATT in San Francisco).  So, yeah, I can enthusiastically say I'm loving living here.  Isn't it nice when things work out to your satisfaction?

I look forward to my vacation starting today, and I'll equally look forward to returning to my new home town.  In a week.  No blogging in the interim.  Just pure fun.  See you on the flip side!


  1. We were in Sacrament in May. We ate at Fanny Ann's Saloon in the old part of Sacrament. Great blog. Enjoy you vacation.

  2. I have no idea why the "o" didn't show up twice in that comment.

  3. Have a great vaca. Tara!
    It's been a pleasure getting to know Sacramento through you.


Oh What a Night

No, not like that Night by the Dells.  I only wish. No, my night was full of tossing and turning, fitful non-sleep interrupted by one of my...