Friday, August 9, 2013


Yay!  It's Friday!  Tomorrow I leave for Seattle, and then Sunday board the ship for an adventure in Alaska!

This is my first cruise, and I'm going with three friends.  I'm not really enamored of cruise ships, but I've heard this Alaska trip is fantastic.

On Saturday night we are scheduled to meet an old dear friend of mine and dine at a little French bistro near our hotel.  The menu is, ah, interesting and includes beef tongue (simmered and pressed), pork blood sausage, and veal with veal sweetbreads terrine.  I'm glad there is salmon on the menu!

I plan on eating my fair share of fish and shellfish on the ship.  And discovering whatever mocktails they have on hand.  If they don't have good ones, there's always ginger ale.  Or club soda with lime.  This will be my first celebration in a long while without drinking alcohol.  I have my non-drinking friend to support me.  Whew.  And, I think with all the money I'll save not buying wine and cocktails, I may treat myself to a massage.

I'm looking forward to the whole danged trip - the land excursions, the sailing, having fun with my friends and eating delicious food.  And no, this is not a Carnival Cruise!

So, Happy Friday to you, and soon I'll have a big mess o' photos to share with you!


  1. Have a wonderful journey. Looking forward to seeing the photos from this trip! Bon voyage, Tara!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful trip and I look forward to seeing the fantastic photos I am sure you will take

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am eager to read about your Alaska cruise experiences.

  4. Aloha, Tara! Have a great adventure and thanks for the blog update info.

  5. Thanks for stopping at my blog and commenting. I love the way we meet new people. I have only taken one cruise in my life (Disney) and I was not impressed. But this fall I am taking a European river cruise. I look forward to your trip review.

  6. I am intrigued by the European river cruises! Please share after your trip! Hopefully they are smaller and more personal, less touristy.


A Poem Written Long Ago

  When my hand brushes your nipple, An electric shock runs between my legs And surprises me there. When my hand glides against The curve of ...